Jurriaan Maessen
June 6, 2010

The man who arranged for Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany, Von Papen (pictured at the right), had also written about the possibility of a “European Federation” under strict German control.

As Paul Joseph Watson reported in his May 11 2009 article ‘Top Nazis Planned EU-Style Fourth Reich’, top Nazi industrialists were present at the cradle of the European Union and, through the creation of the Bilderberg group, guided her growth during all stages of her development into the post-war era. As reported in the article, a group of top ranking German industrialists planned for an economic super state founded upon a common market for the whole of Europe. It has also been confirmed that the Bilderberg group had their plans for a European Union and currency in place by at least 1955. ‘The idea of uniting Europe in a closed trade bloc is no longer shocking if Germany assumes domination over such a bloc.’, wrote one of the founding Nazi-ideologues in the 19th century. The man who arranged for Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany, Von Papen, had also written about the possibility of a “European Federation” under strict German control of course, with Berlin as its glorious Axis mundi. It has been abundantly pointed out that German industrialists have aligned themselves with the Anglo-American establishment after the war, teaming up to form what is better known as the New World Order. While Europe was blindfolded by terror and death, a book was published by New York publisher Charles Scribner’s Sons which carried the ominous title ‘The Thousand Year Conspiracy’. In the book, the author Paul Winkler offers a fascinating insight into the people who are in the business of engineering financial crises and wars in Prussia from its very conception way back in the dark ages. To gain some understanding about the origin and significance of this ‘Prusso-Teutonic’ establishment, as Winkler calls it, let us follow the author down the ladder into his in-depth research.

A Wartime Publication

You may argue that the hour is late, producing a ‘review’ of a book published well over 65 years ago, but the obscurity in which the book lay hidden all that time and its relevance to our own day, I think justifies an attempt. Pulled from underneath a great stack of wartime literature, and cleared from a thick layer of dust, ‘The Thousand Year Conspiracy’ should raise some eyebrows- not to say make you fall from your chair in amazement. Around the time the book hit the stores in the U.S., few people understood the full implication of this manuscript. All eyes were on the Fuhrer, who was barking orders at trembling generals- all sweaty palms and dripping foreheads- as they scurried in and out of his reinforced bunker. As one of the instruments in their well-planned push for world domination, the German aristocratic elite (Winkler calls them ‘Junkers’ throughout the book) created the biggest bully of them all, Adolf Hitler, to antagonize the world. As far as the Junkers were concerned, Hitler was a dream come true as he was reaping havoc around the globe, thereby forcing his enemies to commence with a world government rising from the ruins of the War that ensued. Around the same time European Parliament founder H.R. Nord promoted his utopian ‘world federation’, Winkler published his book in the full realisation that just such a federation was in the making- not necessarily under the chairmanship of Nazis- but rather in the hands of the people who funded the Nazis into power back in the 1930s. Empires come and go, Winkler argues, tyrants rise and fall- but an unholy alliance holds firm throughout history, guiding the course of events as the world turns. The real controllers seldom appear out from the shadows. They rather stay out of sight, promoting, funding and supervising certain individuals who will do their bidding in the full light of day.

An Unholy Alliance

As the muffled sound of planes was heard snoring overhead, Winkler sets out to identify what he calls ‘the forces behind the forces’: an alignment of two powers that have dominated Germany from the 13th century onward. The first power he discerns in the vast greyness of history is the Order of the Teutonic Knights, which left the Knights Templar in both financial and military regard far behind them and are credited for founding the militaristic state of Prussia. The Order itself, argues Winkler, was the true heir to the Holy Roman Empire and destined to dominate the continent ever since. Where the French Templars were doomed for destruction by the beginning of the 14th century, the Teutonic Order flourished all the more, evolving into the Prussian Order State in the next couple of centuries. To capture the true meaning of this medieval order of ‘fighting monks’, the author convincingly points out that the Teutonic knights have very early on in history aligned themselves with the second dominant power – which can be identified fairly easily as the European, and especially, German nobility. The historic significance of this partnership can hardly be exaggerated. Winkler asserts that the original intentions of the German crusaders to the Holy Land had nothing whatsoever to do with some vague ideology to liberate the Holy Land, but rather with a hidden agenda the German aristocratic elite had prepared long before it even considered taking up the sword to drive out the evil pagans:

The Order itself had among its secret aims that of serving as a “Hospital” for German nobility.(…) The Knights used the term “Hospital” in a symbolic sense (…) and concealed behind it one of the aims of the Order- “conspiracy to promote the interests of a caste.”’

While the German aristocracy spun an economic web around Northern Europe with the help of the German Hanseatic League, the Teutonic Order excelled in matters of military conquest. When these two continents collided, the tectonic energy that was released created the ‘Prusso-Teutonic’ alliance.

Under the protection of the Order, Winkler writes, ‘a cast of nobles, enjoying the favour and complicity of the Knights, settled in the conquered countries. These “Junkers” in turn tried to appropriate for their exclusive advantage the very aims and traditions which the Order itself had carried down from the Germano-Roman emperors.’

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Under the header ‘The “New Order” is an Old Order’, the author expands further on this strange no-man’s-land between light and shadow in which the ‘Junkers’ operate. Winkler: ‘The Prusso-Teutonics know that military occupation of France cannot last forever. Besides, they have probably considered the possibility of a German defeat which would bring about the fall of the Nazi regime.’ He then cites Hitler’s call for a “New Economic Order” and places it into the context of the Old Order of German nobility in conjunction with battle hardened Teutonic Knights: ‘This “New Order” is in its entirety the old Prussian scheme (…), which ninety years before Hitler’s reign provided the blueprint for the creation of European economic unity under domination of a Prussian Germany. It also provided for subsequent expansion of this Prusso-Teutonic Europe through invasion of the markets of other continents, and establishment of “protectorates” throughout the world.’

The Method

The way this Prusso-Teutonic group went about this planned penetration of international markets, Winkler, with a keen sense of understatement, calls ‘A Most Unorthodox Financial Plan’. This plan had already been put into action by this band of robber-barons in the 1920’s, thus facilitating the Nazis in their rise to power. ‘For that group’, Winkler states, ‘the job in mind had to be done in five stages. (…):

1. ‘The purpose of the first period, inflation, was to permit the looting of the entire German middle class. This was accomplished to the advantage of the Junker class which was able to make money by the tremendous rise in prices, due to scarcity of agricultural products; and also to the advantage of bankers and big industrialists speculating directly on inflation, like Stinnes, Thyssen, and Krupp. These men succeeded, during this period, in buying up tremendous quantities of industrial properties with borrowed money which they were able to repay easily after the currency was devaluated.’

2. After October 11, 1924, the next step was to encourage the inflow of foreign money under the guise of long and short term credits. Without these fresh funds there would indeed have been nothing left to pick from German pockets. It was (…) essential, above all, to inspire confidence throughout the world regarding the mark, so that foreign credits would begin flowing in heavily.’

3. During the years 1929-1930 the direction of this operation was reversed. (…) German financial and governmental circles, painting the country’s situation in darker and darker colors, artificially created a panic. This produced, in German and foreign financial circles, a “flight from the mark”(…) Finally, on July 13, 1931, under Bruening’s administration, the financial authorities of Germany took advantage of the climax of the panic they themselves had provoked, to have the government declare a moratorium on internal and external debt payments, and they instituted “control of exchange” on a permanent basis. This control of exchange (…) took Germany off the gold standard.’

4. The introduction of control of exchange (…) represented complete seizure by the state – and by groups hiding behind the state- of all export and import business. (…) Heavy industry grew increasingly prosperous. Private business suffered and prices of commodities doubled. (…) This promoted psychological conditions favourable for the rearmament program, and prepared the way for the foreign conquest long anticipated by the Prusso-Teutonics.

5. Properly speaking, conquest- and the attempt at economic domination of world markets which it implies- may me considered the fifth phase of the same program.

The Fifth Phase

One has to wear blinders the size of grapefruits not to see the same agenda unfolding before our very eyes today. The people we are dealing with are obviously quite different from the obscure, extravagant and otherwise curious little subgroups that make out the bulk of secret societies. Most of them do nothing all day but mix mysticism and alchemy for their own metaphysical pleasure. The Junkers, it is obvious, do not stem from the 18th century Bavarian Order of Illuminati, a trifle as far as secret societies go- the opposite is the case rather. This particular Order compares to the Teutonic Order about the same way the Lions Club compares to Bilderberg. In the course of the last couple of centuries many other secret societies sprang up in, most of them adding up to little more than Rosicrucian-like cults, indulging themselves on beer, occultism and sausages (although it counted some first-class snakes among its members). Nor can these ‘forces behind the forces’ be traced back to the Knights Templar and their heirs, the Freemasons, who get to shroud themselves in perpetual fog while exercising relative little power in fact. However rich their temples may be carved, it is only from the very highest of degrees that any real power emanates- but they can really no longer be considered freemasons at all, but rather members of the Anglo-Teutonic establishment, chuckling over their underlings and their mystic scribbles with relish.

If this order is so shadowy and secret, how come we know all this- you may wonder. Well, this is due more to the lack of concealment by medieval scholars than to the resourcefulness of modern ones. As the author has pointed out, a German aristocratic elite has used Hitler as a steppingstone towards its final goal, to create a world government based upon old feudal principles. Winkler concludes his book with a warning:

Hitler is not the real problem in Germany today. His days are probably numbered but whatever may be the manner of his disappearance from the world scene, the Prusso-Teutonic problem will still be there, essentially unchanged.’




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