911 Blogger
May 30, 2013

The “metro” version of the ad is one of several that are being developed for various types of outdoor media. The highway billboard version will be much simpler. Read the fascinating story below about the design and polling of the ReThink911 ad.
WTC 7 to Take Center Stage with $600K Ad Campaign
Yes… you read that right: $600,000. ReThink911* (a.k.a. Operation Tip the Planet) has raised $300,000 in pledges to match every dollar YOU raise by July 31 for this massive September advertising campaign.
Here’s how it’s going to work:
The ReThink911 campaign will distribute the $300,000 that has already been pledged based on the fundraising you do for your city (team) on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once your city/team reaches its minimum fundraising target ($1,000, $2,000, $3,000, or $4,000, depending on the size of your city), funds raised by your team will be matched by ReThink911, doubling your team’s amount to pay for subway, bus or billboard ads in your community! **
Twelve specially designated U.S. and international cities will be given priority in matching based on the strategy we have formulated with our outdoor media experts. These cities will have larger ad buys of $20,000–half raised by local supporters, half matched by ReThink911. New York will have an ad buy of $60,000, part of which will pay for a massive billboard in the heart of Times Square that has already been approved. Close to 1 million people will pass it every day in the month of September! The goal: our ReThink911 ad will be seen in more than 50 cities across the world this September.
Using the incredible fundraising tool Fundly.com, ReThink911 will be able to raise funds in a hundred or more communities simultaneously, and the first teams to reach their minimum fundraising target will receive the corresponding match from the $300,000 in pledged matching funds. Don’t waste any time getting started!
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