WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt foundation headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama, is quick to demonize law enforcement conflicts with minorities that are typically characterized as oppressive by the hard-core left that has taken control of the Democratic Party.
As Infowars.com reported yesterday, Apple has joined Internet content giants Google and Facebook, as well as the mainstream media, has embraced the Southern Poverty Law Center to censor out “hate speech,” without realizing the Soros-funded organization has a hard-left goal of targeting conservatives and libertarians as extremists.
SPLC: “Police oppress minorities”
On Aug. 21, 2014, Lecia Brooks, the SPLC’s outreach director, condemned police in the then raging riots in Ferguson, Missouri, following the Michael Brown shooting, in an article the SPLC published entitled “Rage in Ferguson Offers Important Lesson.”
“The seemingly nonstop coverage of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, by cable news networks provided little beyond a disturbing loop of images – officers with guns trained on civilians, smoking tear gas canisters flying through the night air and the surreal sight of armored vehicles rolling through an American city,” Brooks wrote.
“Almost two weeks after Michael Brown died in the street after being shot by a police officer a half-dozen times, this nation hasn’t taken the steps necessary to understand the root causes of the rage in Ferguson.”
Brooks’ goal was to legitimate the riots in Ferguson, ignoring the “rent-a-riot” leftist activists funded by billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundation funded to incite violence in Ferguson following the Michal Brown shooting.
“The rage in Ferguson goes beyond the death of Michael Brown. It’s about what African Americans in Ferguson and elsewhere experience every day,” Brooks continued.
Here, Brooks advanced the narrative of police being used as a potentially violent, “social control” mechanism of the state utilized to suppress the Ferguson riots, viewing the riots as legitimate protest against economic and social oppression.
In this leftist view, minorities are forced to accept discrimination after the state allows brutally unsympathetic police to go rogue in a wave of retaliatory oppressive violence designed to hold Ferguson’s black community in check.
“For too many, it is a cycle of poverty, discrimination and hopelessness. It is life in neighborhoods where encounters with the local police leave residents feeling that the police aren’t there to protect and serve – but are rather an occupying force,” Brooks concluded.
Similarly, when asked to characterize Black Lives Matters as a hate group, SPLC refused to do so, arguing that while Black Lives Matter protesters have said “offensive things, like the chant ‘pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon,’” justifying such speech as a Black Lives Matter legitimate reaction to white racism.
“The backlash to BLM, in some ways, reflects a broad sense of unease among white people who worry about the cultural changes in the country and feel they are falling behind in a country that is rapidly growing more diverse in a globalizing world,” Richard Cohen, SPLC president, wrote on July 19, 2016.
“We consistently see this phenomenon in surveys showing that large numbers of white people believe racial discrimination against them is as pervasive, or more so, than it is against African Americans,” Cohen continued.
SPLC founders get wealthy
SPLC was founded in 1971 by two Alabama lawyers, Morris Dees then 35 years-old and Joseph Levin, Jr., then 28 years-old. Rosslyn Smith, writing in the American Thinker, noted that Dees began as a direct marketer, “hawking everything from cookbooks to tractor seat cushions.”
Dees’ first law partner, Millard Fullner, said of Dees’ direct marketing ventures in the 1960s that “Morris and I, from the first days of our partnership, shared the overriding purpose of making a pile of money … We were not particular about how we did it. We just wanted to be independently rich. During the eight years we worked together we never wavered in that resolve.”
Rosslyn Smith noted that Dees got rich by the mid-1960s, working the leftist side of politics.
“The initial donor list of the SPLC consisted of those who had contributed to McGovern’s political campaign, because Dees ran that campaign’s direct mail operation and had requested the mailing list as his fee,” Smith noted.
“The Southern-born Dees knew that many of the northern liberals on McGovern’s donor list would get a vicarious thrill from sending a check to the Alabama-based SPLC to fight the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists,” Smith commented.
Smith further pointed out that Dees raised money for Jimmy Carter in 1976 and wanted to be his attorney general. “
After Carter left office, spokesman Jody Powell made no bones about his disgust with Dees and the use of appeals in SPLC mailings that were intentionally designed to play up to the stereotypes ‘ignorant Yankee contributors’ had about Southerners,” Smith wrote.
In deciding to target the Klan, Dees joined forces with civil rights activist Julian Bond, identifying the SPLC as a “nonprofit civil rights organization” committed to “fighting hate and bigotry,” seeking justice for “the most vulnerable members of society.”
Conservative writer David Horowitz’s “Discover the Networks” project identifying leftist activists and organizations notes the SPLC “describes the United States as a country ‘seething’ with “racial violence” and “intolerance against those who are different.”
Discover the Networks further notes that according to the SPLC, hate in America is “a dreadful, daily constant,” with violent crimes against members of minority groups like blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, and Arabs/Muslims “not isolated incidents,” but rather, “eruptions of a nation’s intolerance.”
Horowitz notes that to combat this epidemic of perceived right-wing “bigotry,” SPLC dedicates itself to “tracking and exposing” the activities of “hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States.”
There is no doubt Dees has gotten rich on his strategy to conservative activists and groups as right-wing “haters” that deserve to be observed and condemned, if not investigated a prosecuted.
According to the SPLC’s IRS Form 990s, the tax forms 501(c)(3) are required to file annually, the SPLC has become wealthy, with the SPLC reporting total assets worth of $353.2 million in 2015, that consisted largely of a $319.3 million investment account, held in the Cayman Islands with investment holdings composed predominately of securities that are not publicly traded.
SPLC also remains lucrative for Morris Dees, with IRS Form 990s showing he earned $406,271in total compensation from SPLC in 2015 as chief trial counsel, followed by Richard Cohen who earned $402,790 as SPLC president.
In 2007, Harper’s Magazine published a letter Stephen Bright, an Atlanta-based civil rights attorney wrote declining an invitation to hear Morris Dees speak at a University of Alabama School of Law commencement, in which Bright characterized Dee’s “flagrantly misleading” solicitations for donations to the SPLC. Bright wrote:
- “He [Dees] has raised millions upon millions of dollars with various schemes, never mentioning that he does not need the money because he has $175 million and two “poverty palace” buildings in Montgomery. He has taken advantage of naive, well-meaning people–some of moderate or low incomes–who believe his pitches and give to his $175-million operation. He has spent most of what they have sent him to raise still more millions, pay high salaries, and promote himself. Because he spends so much on fund raising, his operation spends $30 million a year to accomplish less than what many other organizations accomplish on shoestring budgets.”
Still, the SPLC has drawn millions of dollars from scores of charitable foundations, including the Ford Foundation, the J.M. Kaplan Fund, Ploughshares Fund, the Public Welfare Fund, the Vanguard Public Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
According to the group’s IRS Form 990, the SPLC received $50.3 million in contributions and grants in 2015.
Identified as “the left’s favorite attack dog,” the SPLC is infamous for targeting conservative political activists as “right-wing extremists” and identifying conservative political organizations as “hate groups.”
In its “The Year in Hate and Extremism” for 2017, the SPLC noted the “radical right was more successful in entering the political mainstream last year than in half a century,” arguing that the election of Donald Trump as president “seemed virtually unimaginable since George Wallace ran for president in 1968.”
As part of that list, the SPLC separately identified 623 “active patriot groups in the United States in 2016,” that the SPLC Intelligence Project identified as “extreme antigovernment groups” – a list that included many Tea Party organizations.
Included in the SPLC list of extreme antigovernment groups was conservative heroine Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, identified 25 separate time on the list, for 25 different states in which the group is active.
Also see: Jerome R. Corsi, “Southern Poverty Law Center Advances Hard-left Hate Agenda Against Law Enforcement,” Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation, Inc., April 3, 2017.
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