The Southern Poverty Law Center has added a crucial element to the emerging narrative on the shooting in South Carolina by posting a tweet of the suspect posing with a Confederate flag vanity plate.

The narrative will be crafted to add fuel to the racist war engineered to unfold this summer. It will also be used to push more draconian gun legislation in Congress, likely at the behest of the Obama administration.

The largely irrelevant Confederate flag is continually cited by the liberal corporate media as a symbol of resurgent racism in the United States.

“Not only is ‘Southern pride’ rooted in highly problematic histories, but it’s also reflective of modern-day racism and injustices,” writes Krystie Yandoli for the liberal news blog, The Huffington Post.

“The history of the United States of America is deeply rooted in obvious and inherent kinds of racism against countless ethnic groups, there’s no doubt about that. But it’s not just by happenstance that this specific symbol of hate is so relevant below the Mason-Dixon line.”

This supposed “deeply rooted” and “obvious and inherent” racism will be used in the narrative describing the South Carolina shootings.

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