Bolstering claims that North Korean dictator had been dead for over a year
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
South Korean intelligence chief Won Seo-hoon has questioned the circumstances behind Kim Jong-il’s death, pointing to evidence that the train the North Korean dictator supposedly died traveling on was stationary in Pyongyang, lending credence to claims that the “dear leader” has in fact been dead for months or even years.

“The head of South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) on Tuesday expressed cautious doubts over the time and location of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il’s death, parliamentary officials said, raising questions over whether the communist North tried to beautify Kim’s death,” reports the Korea Herald.
North Korean state media claimed that Jong-il died from a heart attack due to “overwork and stress” during a train journey Saturday, but Seo-hoon told a National Assembly Intelligence Committee that the train remained stationary at Pyongyang railway station throughout the weekend.
“There were no signs the train ever moved,” he was quoted as telling the parliamentary committee.
Rumors that the North Korean leader had in fact died many months or even years before yesterday’s official announcement have been persistent.
The London Telegraph questioned back in September 2010 whether a double was covering for his premature death, noting that North Korea had gone to some lengths to formally name his son, Kim Jong-un, still in his twenties, as successor in a ceremony.
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Japanese professor Toshimitsu Shigemura also made the claim during a World Economic Forum meeting in Tianjin, China in 2010. Shigemura asserts that Kim Jong-il died in the fall of 2003 and had been replaced by a lookalike for past eight years, citing sources close to Kim’s family as well as “computer analysis of his voice (that) shows the present Kim Jong not to be the same man as the one of some years ago.”
As we reported yesterday, rumors continue to circulate that Kim Jong-Il, whether he died recently or months before, was in fact murdered by discontented members of the North Korean military.
“A rumor is circulating that earlier a high-ranking North Korean official was shot dead. This has yet to be confirmed, but such talk is evidence that discontent was brewing among some people in the North,” political scientist An Chan-il told the Korea Times, adding that military officers “could have played a role in his death”.
This claim was also echoed by Rep Chun Yo-ok of the ruling Grand National Party (GNP), who speculated that Kim Jong-Il’s death could have been an act of “homicide,” the result of an internal power struggle.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
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