Bob Chapman
The International Forecaster
November 2, 2008

Investors on the outside slammed while insiders getting rich, Market conditions indicate you need to protect yourself with gold and silver, Paulson monetary voodoo reanimates zombie fraudster banks, Market crashes set the stage for bank acquisitions, predicting a financial super entity,

Down go consumer confidence and real estate values to all-time lows, but, nevertheless, up goes the Dow undaunted, claiming its second largest point gain ever as the counterintuitive insider trading beat goes on and on and on, ad nausea. Insiders get wealthy, and the non-insiders chasing them get annihilated. This has been the story on Wall Street for over a century. Do you think it was merely some sort of serendipitous coincidence that the dark pool of liquidity, known as Project Turquoise, was set to be activated near the end of August, just in time for all the Illuminist insiders to enjoy the profitable fireworks as volatility reached all-time highs, so that all of their nefarious trading could be done in unregulated secrecy? We can assure you that there are no coincidences on Wall Street. There is only rampant, rampaging insider trading and fiendish manipulation.

Any time they think they are in need of a good fleecing, all the poor sheople have to do is get back into the general stock markets where their Illuminist shearers will be more than happy to oblige them. We absolutely guarantee that the pink of your sheople skin will be showing as all your wool is shaved off right down to the hair follicles. You’ve probably heard about “pink flamingos.” Well, now we are going to see a lot of pink sheople wandering around aimlessly, wondering where all their vaporized money went, as they are prepared for the big slaughter while the Big Sting Two goes into its next phase. You need to protect yourself with gold, silver and their now bargain-basement related shares, unless of course the color pink flatters you.

The Dow, powered by its PPT anti-gravity machine, and in the face of some of the worst economic news of all time, still somehow managed to tack on an unbelievable, mind-blowing and stupefying 889.35 points as the Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index dropped off a cliff from September’s 61.4 to October’s 38, an all-time low (the “experts” expected 52), as the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller 20-city housing index dropped 16.6 percent in August from a year ago, the largest decline on record going back to 2000, and as the smaller, 10-city index, fell 17.7 percent, the biggest decline in its 21-year history. The last of the wild, PPT-manufactured 700 Dow rally points came in the last two hours of trading as the insiders took advantage of low volume, short-covering and a much weaker yen to give the Dow a blastoff to 9,065.12. Just what you would expect as consumer confidence and real estate prices drop into the toilet for a thorough “swirley.”

Wow, look at them fire up that Goldilocks Matrix as reality is scoffed at, and illusion becomes king, just as Dr. Stan Monteith likes to say as he starts each broadcast for Radio Liberty. We can’t help but envision Jim Nabor’s character, private Gomer Pyle, USMC, exclaiming “surprise, surprise, surprise!” as sergeant Carter’s eye twitches because he has shorted the stock market indexes, while they both watch the Dow soar to over 9,000 points, in total contradiction of all logic and market fundamentals. All we can say is: “Shazam!!!” and “Gaaw-aawl-ly!!!”

Of course, we are told by the fane-stream media that this was “bargain-hunting.” And for the first time ever, they are correct. The Illuminist insiders just got the bargains of a lifetime. The non-insiders also got exactly what they bargained for by staying in the general stock markets, by trying to follow market fundamentals and by trying to chase after the insiders, meaning that they got the fleecing of a lifetime which they should have known was coming just as sure as God made little green apples.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

In any case, based on the foregoing, we can now tweak the Wall Street formula for profitability as follows: Profitability = Low Volume + High Volatility + Dark Pools of Liquidity + Plunge Protection Team. The mass exit from the stock markets has reduced trading volume. This makes manipulation much easier and much less expensive as the Illuminati line their pockets with more salary and bonus money, which they will no doubt continue to extract, rape and steal from the insider trading profits of their financial institutions which they have burned to the ground, as Paulson and Bernanke work their monetary voodoo to reanimate these walking dead fraudster banks.

In looking over the financial landscape that has emerged since the private Fed was foisted upon the hapless sheople in 1913, we can see the culling process that has emerged. Remember, Rockefeller and Morgan, the heads of the American branch of the Illuminati, hated one thing more than any other, and that thing was competition. During the Panic of 1907, which was orchestrated by Rockefeller and Morgan so they could force the Federal Reserve System and Income Tax down the throats of the sucker-dupe sheople, many smaller banks were sent down the tubes.

Then came the 1929 Stock Market Crash, orchestrated by the newly formed, and very private, partly foreign-owned and totally non-governmental Fed, and that started a second culling process, mostly of small to mid-size banks, which took out about one third of the banks that were then blossoming in the US based on the wealth accumulations of the Roaring Twenties. This culling occurred throughout the period during the 1930s, which we now refer to as the Great Depression. The big Illuminist concerns of course survived, based on their inside information, as did many of the leading Illuminists of the time.

Banks were then left alone for several decades to help finance World War II and the post-War boom, which was used to consolidate Illuminist wealth and power through their military-industrial complex. Then it was time for a third culling, as deregulation and the sanity of past banking standards were discarded to create the S&L Crisis. Many more small to mid-size banks were vaporized by the excesses created through this deregulation and by the inflation which the Fed malevolently caused to hurt banks by reducing the value of their mortgages and forcing them to compete for higher rates by making crazy loans to third world countries and to other unworthy borrowers, particularly those taking out mortgages. These banks borrowed short and lent long, a sure formula for disaster, and the end result was that some 2,400 small to mid-size banks failed.

Note how all these past orchestrated banking disasters affected mostly the bottom rungs of the banking industry, a flagrant and direct elimination of competition to line the pockets of big banking by taking down the smaller fry. But now, in the current crises, which is, more than anything, a credit/capital-crunch powered by an asset crisis engendered by derivative fraud that was made possible by a real estate bubble and a totally opaque, unregulated OTC market, with the subprime problem being little more than a fuse leading to the main charge in the credit default swap and interest rate swap powder kegs, we see a process of culling and consolidation at the upper echelons of the banking industry. This is by design, although the Illuminati have bungled this one and caused far greater damage than they intended, relying on rocket scientists who do not understand how markets work to design their Ponzi-scheme. The idea here is to first create a handful of mega-banks that are too big to fail so they can milk the banking system a little longer and to make sure that the bailout money keeps coming from the sucker-dupe sheople taxpayers to keep saving and bailing the latest incarnations of the too-big-to-fail fraudster banks.

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