A shocking video out of Brazil shows a white girl being beaten around the head as she is forced to kiss the feet of a black woman.

The clip shows the white girl being restrained by her hair as two women slap her around the face and head in-between making her kiss one of the black women’s feet.

The girl’s face appears to be swolen, suggesting the beating had also took place before the video started rolling.

The two women demand that the girl obey them and say “sorry” while also mentioning how they have partly shaved her head.

The two culprits also appear to be taking flash photographs of the girl as her head is forced down to kiss the feet.

The video is most likely out of Brazil as the culprits are talking Portuguese as the beat the young woman.

It is not known whether the incident is linked to the recent anti-racism protests, although numerous white leftists have made a point of kneeling, kissing or washing feet to exorcise their white guilt.

The attack could be linked to crime gangs in Brazil’s notorious slums, which often use violent ritual humilation as a form of punishment.


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