Editor’s Note: Google said it was a mistake for its search engine vendor to tell staffers that Infowars should be ranked as a low-quality site. You can read more at the bottom of this article. Immediately below, radio host Michael Savage reveals one of the reasons why Google was quick to correct the issue.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – “Under Obama, Google was untouchable,” Michael Savage told Infowars.com, answering the question whether he thought it was possible President Trump might appoint a head to the Federal Trade Commission willing to bring anti-trust action against Google for censoring conservatives on the Internet.
“Obama rolled over, doing for Google whatever Google wanted done,” Savage added, noting that President Trump had just tweeted the “Fake Media (not Real Media) has gotten even worse since the election.”
In the email exchange, Savage referenced one of the key themes in his new best-selling book Trump’s War in Chapter Ten, “Trump’s War for the First Amendment.”
Savage echoed a key theme of his book that the First Amendment was under attack with George Soros spending billions to suppress free speech by funding violent groups like Black Lives Matter who sanction violence to promote their message, while Internet giants like Google and Facebook signed onto David Brock’s determination to censor conservative news like Infowars.com that the leftist establishment branded as “Fake News.”
“For them, this means my radio show, The Savage Nation, may need to be ‘exposed and countered,’” Savage wrote, expressing his alarm the leftist establishment has ordained “that any support for Trump in the media” is de facto Russian propaganda.
Infowars.com asked Savage if he thought Donald Trump might appoint a head to the FTC willing to campaign for the position by openly expressing a willingness to bring anti-trust actions against the Internet giants.
“Maybe Google ruled under Obama,” Savage responded, “but under Donald Trump, not so fast.”
Infowars.com has reported that President Trump has yet to elevate FTC Acting Chair, Maureen K. Ohlhausen, a Republican appointed by President Obama to the FTC in 2010, who dissented to an FTC settlement reached in 2013 threatening to apply anti-trust sanctions to various Google business practices.
Meanwhile, as hard as Google has worked behind the scenes to promote Ohlhausen, Google has worked overtime to smear Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes – a Republican nominee for FTC chair who campaigned strongly for Trump in western states during the 2016 presidential nomination.
In Chapter Ten of Trump’s War, Savage argued that while the First Amendment does not allow the government to surprise dissent, the First Amendment does not sanction the use of violence to promote one’s message.
“When liberals of all races and creeds began rioting after Trump’s election, O [Obama] did the same thing,” Savage wrote. “He actually stood on foreign soil and called the riots ‘one of the great things about our democracy. I’m not fabricating this. This divisive serpent had become so arrogant, so unafraid of any consequences for the damage he’d done to this nation, that he would look into the camera and say outrageous things like that, knowing an adoring media would back him up.”
For Savage, government censorship imposed by leftist violence has no business silencing conservative critics under the First Amendment.
“When you write an article or a blog, appear on a television show, or even assemble peacefully in a public forum meant for that purpose, you are exercising rights the First Amendment protects,” he added in Chapter Ten.
“But the moment you pick up a brick and throw it through a window, or join a mob blocking an expressway, which violates someone else’s right to liberty, or especially when you commit a violent act against an innocent bystander, you are no longer exercising your First Amendment rights,” Savage continued.
“You are now violating the rights of others, something the First Amendment does not allow you to do.”
Google Admits Cernovich Was Right, Agrees to Stop Censoring Infowars
by Mike Cernovich
Google will not remove InfoWars from its search engine results, Maxwell Tani of Business Insider reports:
Google said Monday that a vendor mistakenly told staffers working for the search engine that InfoWars should be ranked as a low-quality site.
The prominent right-wing website — which has been known to stoke conspiracy theories — blasted Google on Monday after pro-Trump media personality Mike Cernovich shared screenshots that showed a Google contractor saying InfoWars should be rated as a “low-to-medium” reliable site since its stories are “often debunked.”
When Mike Cernovich exclusively reported that Google hired a contractor to target Infowars for censorship, haters claimed he was wrong. As when Cernovich broke the Susan Rice story, among others, before everyone else, this mistake is understandable.
Cernovich forgives his haters.
No one in media has the network of sources Cernovich has. It’s understandable that people don’t believe him.
Eli Lake of Bloomberg, who has already stolen at least two stories form Cernovich, went onto a podcast Cernovich had never heard of to call Cernovich names.
“They kept tagging me to get attention,” Cernovich said. “Since they show up in Verified Notifications on Twitter, I saw the hate. But it’s not a big podcast. Who cares? I don’t link to anyone who can’t get 1,000 RTs of hate for me.”
Sam Harris recently went on a lengthy rant about Cernovich on the Joe Rogan Podcast. Joe Rogan, who banned Cernovich from the podcast back in November, thought Harris was creepy, even calling him “obsessed with Cernovich” during the podcast.
Cernovich will continue breaking stories while everyone else talks about the same basic b*tch stories.
Sam Harris, for example, claimed Hillary Clinton would win the election. He was wrong. What a joke.
Harris challenged Cernovich to a debate, and then backed out. What is there to debate? Harris said Hillary would win. He has no unique insights into geopolitical affairs.
Joe Rogan refuses to admit Cernovich is banned from the podcast, even though a mutual friend told Cernovich, “Joe said he hated you and the pro-Trump trolls.”
Cernovich never asked to be on Rogan’s podcast, however, and doesn’t care about being “banned.”
“I’ve never asked anyone to be on a podcast. If people ‘ban’ me, that says it all about their fragile egos. How can you ban someone who hasn’t asked to be on your show?!”
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