Press TV
September 30, 2010

Russia’s envoy to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, says unilateral sanctions against Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program runs contrary to international law.

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“All members of the international community must act in solidarity and on the basis of mutual responsibility,” Churkin told the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.

He added that unilateral sanctions against Iran “undermine the very foundation of further joint efforts” to resolve the Islamic Republic’s nuclear issue.

“We must put an end to this practice that runs counter to international law and is negatively politically charged,” the Russian envoy said.

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After US-engineered UN sanctions were imposed against Iran in June, the United States and the European Union followed suit, imposing their own unilateral sanctions.

While the US possesses and has used nuclear weapons in the past, Washington, in a politically-motivated move, in early September, imposed additional sanctions against Iran, which does not possess nuclear weapons nor does it seek to develop such weapons.

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