With its publication this week of a tedious, picayune 966-page “report” rehashing the long-since-collapsed ‘Russian collusion’ false narrative, the Senate “Intelligence” Committee joins its discredited House counterpart as another powerful public body co-opted by cynical partisan manipulators as an illegitimate tool to inflict political damage, if not personal destruction, on their most effective adversaries.

The ‘report’ is nothing but a naked presidential election year ploy, attempting to resuscitate one of the most vile of all malicious political frauds ever perpetrated on a sitting president and the people of this country.

This repackaged redux of the repeatedly-debunked Russian collusion smear is clearly the handiwork of the committee’s de facto chairman (though his title is vice-chairman) Senator Mark Warner, a slippery demagogic partisan politician who has proven to be one of the most odious and manipulative of all rabid Trump antagonists in Congress. Warner rivals the execrable liar-leaker Adam Schiff in his penchant for deceitful grandstanding and underhanded partisan abuse of congressional oversight authority.

Since the committee’s Republicans are decidedly of the RINO/Neocon variety, with nominal chair and GOP quisling Richard Burr now under FBI investigation for insider trading around the coronavirus scare, the Senate’s report concludes the exact opposite of the report issued by the House Intelligence Committee under Chairman Devin Nunes, in the last Congress.

The coordinated media roll-out of this report, complete with faux-serious statements of ‘grave concern’ and similarly-contrived alarmist fulminations made to eager anti-Trump media cameras by the committee’s partisan Democrat concern trolls, defeats any presumptions of good faith public interested motives behind its release just weeks from the imminent re-election of President Trump.

The recycled, long-debunked garbage being pushed in the report has long passed it’s sell-by date, yet they can’t resist another effort to push their “BIG LIE” as it concerns me. The report says, “[t]he Committee assessed that Trump spoke with Stone about WikiLeaks on multiple occasions,” despite the fact that the president said in written answers to the Mueller gang that he did not recall doing so. This ‘assessment’ is flatly, unequivocally and 100% FALSE.

Notice the report’s convenient use of the hedge word “assessed”. This particularly-unpersuasive word choice is used by intelligence agencies when they seek to push some conclusion for which they have NO evidence or proof, as is the case with their manufactured claim that I ever once communicated with President Trump about WikiLeaks.

I testified to the House Intelligence Committee that I had NOT spoken to candidate Trump or President Trump about the Wikileaks disclosures. The charges brought against me for false statements to that committee did NOT include my testimony refuting any claims that I had ever had such communications with Donald Trump. Further, the Mueller Report never alleged, or otherwise concluded, that the President was not truthful when he likewise said he recalled no such communications.

Aggressive as they were, even the Mueller prosecutors knew full well that the only support they could muster to substantiate this fabricated claim was uncorroborated testimony from Michael Cohen and Rick Gates, induced as part of their plea bargains, attempting to avoid prison. Even after seizing all of my communications and devices, and presumably surveilling those of others, perhaps even the President’s, not a single text, email, note or other document was found or produced to contradict the truth that both the President and I told about this question.

The report also conveniently excludes Cohen’s contradictory testimony on this point. Cohen first said he overheard a call between candidate Trump and me in July of 2016 just before the Democrat National Convention, during which WikiLeaks dropped the first batch of DNC-related documents. Then he changed his story, subsequently claiming he overheard this call in August 2016, just before the Republican National Convention.

Cohen’s perjured testimony claimed that candidate Trump put me on speaker phone, after a secretary told him I was on the line. The secretary who routinely handled any calls I made to candidate Trump gave no support to Cohen’s claims – namely because Cohen’s version of events never happened. Cohen was never called as a witness in my trial, and for good reason – the claims of this admitted liar have ZERO corroboration.

Curiously, the only other testimony purporting that Donald Trump and I communicated about Wikileaks – from Rick Gates – was essentially an identical circumstance, as though the “overhearing a phone call” scenario was the only one that the Mueller gang and their two cooperating plea-bargainers could plausibly fabricate, knowing they had not an iota of hard evidence (a text, email, recording, note etc). Rick Gates testified at my trial that he witnessed Trump take a cell phone call from me while riding with candidate Trump in a SUV from Trump Tower to LaGuardia Airport in August 2016.

Gates admitted he did not hear the actual call, claiming only that he knew it was a call from me because he purportedly saw my name pop up on Trump’s cell phone. The fact that Gates was seated in the back of SUV, while Trump rode in the front seat, casts doubt on this claim, and Gates never explained how he could have so readily glimpsed anything on Trump’s phone, in the instant Trump would have looked down at the phone and picked up the call, putting the phone up to his ear.

Further, I’ve had the same cell phone number for many years and it has always been held under my company, which is what pops up from Caller ID whenver I call someone from it, i.e. even if Gates somehow could see the screen, it would not have displayed my name.

Gates also said there were two Secret Service Agents in the car at the time, but conveniently for Gates and his fictional testimony, the Government could not produce them, nor could it even produce a phone record to show such a call ever happened. Gates claimed that he knew the call pertained to Wikileaks because of something Trump said immediately after the call, but then claimed elsewhere that Trump’s comment was made much later, after they had boarded Trump’s plane.

The bottom line is that Gates’ fictional overheard call between candidate Trump and me simply never happened. But Gates got what he needed in exchange for fabricating a conveniently “overheard call” (which no one else apparently overheard): a mere 45-day sentence and a free pass from the Mueller gang on a million dollar tax evasion charge.  Regardless, Gates’s tall tale, like Cohen’s, is uncorroborated – the result of an extremely-desirable benefit accruing to Gates: avoiding serious prison time.

These two fabricated, uncorroborated plea bargain-induced stories of supposed eavesdropping (without actually hearing anything) are regularly used to bolster the BIG LIE. The BIG LIE goes like this: Roger Stone traded his silence regarding his knowledge of misconduct by the president in return for the president’s commutation of his sentence.”

What makes this defamatory falsehood especially underhanded and malicious is that it was concocted out of my public statements that I would never trade false testimony against the president instigated from me by the Special Counsel lawyers for some sort of prosecutorial leniency or plea deal from Mueller.

When I repeatedly and accurately said that Mueller‘s dirty cops attempted to pressure me into bearing false witness against the president, but that I flatly refused and further said that I would never do so, the Democrat disinformation spinmeisters deceitfully twisted this into an insinuation that I somehow secured clemency by my refusal to implicate Donald Trump. Funny they express no concern, or even merely acknowledge it as real possibility, that doing so would require my testifying falsely.

As the Trump-deranged Democrats and their media propagandists have shown over and over and over, there is no lie or fabrication they would ever decry or condemn or even deem wrong, as long as it is harmful in any way to Donald Trump. Conversely, there is no truth, no matter how incontrovertible or obvious, that they will ever accept, as long as it affirms or validates Donald Trump, or more precisely if it in any contradicts their militant, seeting hatred and utterly-warped villainization towards him.

One need not look past the players behind this disinformation campaign concerning my refusal to testify to Special Counsel-induced lies about the president to see this derangement in its fullest expression. The warped originator of it is Andrew Weissman, who now can be seen regularly spouting outright Trump hate on MSNBC, just another zealot among its malignant peanut gallery of arrogant pseudo-intellects. Weissmann’s bull was then picked up and repeated by Adam (bull)Schiff, and eventually by those paragons of truth and integrity Jerry Nadler, Hillary Clinton and Eric Swalwell. Its bogus recycling by the Senate Intelligence committee is just the latest ploy to sandbag their BIG LIE with yet another worthless D.C. establishment paper blizzard.

With the top tier disinformation peddlers giving them their cues, the second and third stringers then pile on to repeat and reinforce the lie. This was evident when suddenly dozens of leftist law professors, attorneys and legal “experts” popped up with half-baked op-eds pushing the same crackpot theory: “the President’s commutation of Stone’s sentence was tainted because Trump was acting to hide his own misconduct”. Their legal contortions and deceitful distortions of the facts, like their conclusions, are simply WRONG.

The president commuted  my sentence as an act of both justice and mercy. He believed, with plenty of factual and legal support in plain view for all to see, that I did not get a fair trial. He also saw that, contrary to judicial precedent in every district in the US court system and contrary to the current policy of the DOJ/BOP, I was being ordered to surrender at 67 years old and with asthma to a federal correctional facility that had substantial numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases. He realized that this “special (mis) treatment” amount to essentially a death sentence. These were more than enough to warrant his clemency, and his act of clemency had nothing whatsoever to do with some exchange for my “silence”, a deal that exists only in the fevered, malicious imaginations of Trump (or Stone) haters.

Howard Fineman of MSNBC even tried to get into the act, claiming I had somehow earned clemency by remaining silent, based on a telephone conversation with me. Of course, the duplicitous MSNBC has-been tried to justify himself in a text message to me saying that he never intended to make such a claim, admitting it was not consistent with our conversation. This little episode with Fineman was reported by the Gateway Pundit.

As an exercise in overkill, the Senate Intelligence Committee report includes 1098 references to me in either the body of the report or the footnotes, with virtually all of them incorrect, including this whopper: “In July 2016, Stone drafted tweets for Trump — at his request — that “attacked Clinton for her adversarial posture toward Russia and mentioned a new peace deal with Putin.” It is beyond even my imagination to conceive who would have made this claim because I wrote no tweets for Donald Trump, including the one referred to here.

The phony Senate Intel report also asserted that “[t]he committee also found “significant evidence” to suggest that WikiLeaks was “knowingly collaborating with Russian government officials.” They must have lost it after they “found” such evidence, because it has yet to be forthcoming, from this committee or anywhere else. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has long denied, quite vigorously, that the source of the hacked emails was Russia. In fact, Assange has further stated with equal vigor that the source was not any state or state agent at all.

The committee’s loose smear of Wikileaks as some Russian stooge is simply reverse engineered from the desired conclusion they began their investigation with, as their guiding foundation – the dubious presumption that “the Russians hacked the DNC and used Wikileaks to disseminate the stolen data”. The problem with this little chestnut is that declassified documents now prove that this claim has literally no basis whatsoever other than a draft redacted memo that Crowdstrike prepared for the DNC, a memo which Crowdstrikes’ own executives have now debunked in sworn testimony.

Taking a step back from all this hair-splitting spin and disinformation, dressed-up as some sort of objective, non-(or “bi”)-partisan Senate investigation, the political landscape provides the real context for this presidential election-eve stunt. It is all too clear that there is now an impending unraveling of the Obama-Clinton-Biden illegal political spying operation conducted against presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016 and carried over by the same subversives against President of the United States Donald Trump, well into 2017.

It is the ensuing collapse of this corrupt house of cards spying scheme, which involved truly criminal – seditious – misconduct by top Obama administration officials that has prompted this last ditch effort to salvage the spectacular public flop that was the 2-year multi-million dollar rogue “Special Counsel” witch hunt lynch mob conducted against President Trump’s political allies by legal mercenaries handpicked from the Obama-Clinton-Biden cesspool of Democrat lawyers.

These corrupt players know that their crimes are too large to forever be obscured by all of the exaggerated hysteria and deceitful mischaracterizations they have spent years peddling about legal opposition efforts to expose the truth about their epically-corrupt presidential wannabe and her endlessly-sleazy retinue of partisan hacks and hatchetweasels.

The fact is that, for all their endless, breathless media hyping to bolster its credibility and justify its meandering secretive crusade, the “Special Counsel” operation was only fronted by its incessantly-lionized figurehead Robert Mueller. Behind the file footage Mueller facade it was actually run by corrupt partisan Democrat lawyer Andrew Weissmann, It was not “Republican war hero” Mueller, but sleazy Democrat errand boy Weissmann who marshaled a rat’s nest of Obama-Clinton loyalists to pose as prosecutors, spending nearly two years targeting a small group of key advisors and supporters of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

With nearly-unlimited investigative resources at its disposal, a small army of malicious Democrat partisan lawyers making up its ranks, and effectively no actual oversight or adult supervision from the “acting” Attorney General or any other sufficiently-empowered official within the DOJ, Weissmann and his flunkies perpetrated an “investigation” that three months into its existence had already established conclusively that there was, in fact, no “Russian collusion” and zero criminal predicates to justify the promulgation of any prosecutions against anyone associated with Donald Trump’s wildly-successful presidential campaign.

Not ones to be deterred by the non-existence of any crimes they could prosecute in connection with Donald Trump’s spectacular pummeling of their political godmother, the Weissmann vendetta operation persisted with general warrant style targeting of select high-profile targets associated with the 2016 Trump Campaign, notably only individuals who had not become federal government employees in the wake of the Democrat-career-shattering Trump triumph.

After a full year of coming up short in their quest to settle the score for their failed would-be political patroness, while also providing cover to their corrupt cronies who criminally abused extraordinary spying powers against the current president at the behest of his predecessor (their now-fading political messiah) the imperative to manufacture any sort of malicious prosecution they could grew more and more acute.

Even if it meant finally conceding that there was absolutely nothing they could contort or contrive out of the Trump Campaign’s activities sufficient to manufacture a criminal case to slake their vengeance through some abusive prosecution, the Special Counsel Weissmann gang was bound and determined to lynch them at least one high-profile Trump Republican. That turned out to be me.

As a last resort they set about to backtrack with a fine-tooth-comb through the course of the larger “Russia! Russia!! Russia!!!” witch hunt, of which they were but one terror cell, to cherry pick any sort of process offense they could possibly extract from its mindless, fruitless consumption of public resources and airtime. Or perhaps they could exaggerate and sensationalize some fleeting inconsequential circumstance unearthed from somewhere in their dragnet haul of private communications from one of their preferred targets that could be shoehorned to fit the elements of some criminal offense.

Whatever their tactics were to cobble together any sort of criminal offenses they could possibly contrive to prop up their phony ulterior-motivated crusade to substantiate their partisan fantasies of busting up some Russian collusion conspiracy, in the end their Russian collusion conspiracy theory was just that – a pure fantasy.

Now, the thinnest residue leftover from the Special Counsel’s spectacularly-failed attempt to justify its rogue existence has been meticulously cataloged and deceitfully inflated into huge chunks of a 966-page Senate Intelligence Committee exercise in generating sheafs of written material having such profound credibility and relevance that it warrants immediate and wholesale consignment to the circular file.

In sum, for all its meticulous organization the committee’s report is merely a more voluminous regurgitation of the same tortured insinuations and deceitful evidentiary spin that this committee’s equally-compromised predecessors spent more than three years manufacturing from behind the fraudulent facade of a legitimate meritorious investigation.

The Democrat Russian collusion conspiracy theorists on the Senate Intelligence Committee are clearly eager to squander whatever vestigial credibility still attached to their august body from a long-gone era in which it was not so easily degenerated into a cheap tool of even cheaper partisan gameplaying.

What is obvious from this latest iteration in the disingenuous pursuit of mythical Russian boogeymen presumed to have colluded somehow with Donald Trump and his campaign in 2016, is that it bears the same illegitimate ulterior motives as other previous Russian collusion witch hunts.

Their first motive is to distract the public’s attention and divert political heat away from the real corruption and the real Russian collusion that Democrat politicians and operatives had perpetrated both during and after the 2016 election.

Their second motive is to damage and defame President Trump and his associates by any means necessary, until he is driven from office.

The third motive, though it is rather moot this far down-sewer, is to establish false pretexts to obtain warrants, or some other legal justification, to surveil, search and seize the sensitive political and personal communications of targeted adversaries.

In the final analysis, this committee’s report stands as an officious attempt to prop up the runny pile of political mud that is the sum total substance of the Obama-Clinton-Biden junta’s multi-year attempt to gaslight the American public in order to wage a ruthless malicious smear campaign against a sitting president.

If nothing else, this report provides a detailed compendium of the elaborate disinformation that was contrived and propagated by corrupt Obama administration officials and Clinton-loyal apparatchiks, who effectively acted as partisan political operatives while holding sworn positions in federal law enforcement and in the intelligence “community.”

These are the sort of serious, brazen crimes that don’t require a two-year $30M fine tooth comb job by partisan pencil pushers, nor a 966-page report, to be taken seriously…and vigorously prosecuted like the grotesque betrayals of trust and abuses of power they represent.

Thank the brave reporters who gathered this footage.

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