During White House tours, President Trump reportedly enjoys poking fun at the lewd controversy that plagued Bill Clinton’s presidency.

According to a report in The Washington Post, the president supposedly gets a kick out of showing off the spot where former President Bill Clinton had sex with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

“I’m told this is where Bill and Monica…,” President Trump is quoted as telling an unidentified TV anchor in 2017, stopping short of mentioning the unspeakable acts.

“Three other people who have embarked on a tour with Trump said he made similar comments regarding the former president and the White House intern, laughing and making facial expressions,” reports The Post. “The subject often leads to lengthy, sometimes crass conversations, aides said.”

The anecdotes are featured in the new book, Team of Vipers, penned by former White House aide Cliff Sims.

Elsewhere in the book, Sims writes Trump criticizes how the Oval Office was in a “rough” state when he assumed the presidency, and mocks former President Obama’s basketball addiction.

From The Washington Post:

The president has also claimed to guests, without evidence, that his private dining room off the Oval Office was in “rough shape” and had a hole in the wall when he came into the West Wing and that President Barack Obama used it to watch sports, according to two White House officials and two other people who have heard him discuss the dining room. “He just sat in here and watched basketball all day,” Trump told a recent group, before saying he upgraded Obama’s smaller TV to a sprawling, flat-screen one, the four people said. 

The Trump presidential campaign on Thursday revealed a lawsuit against Sims claiming the book violated “the terms of a non-disclosure agreement.”

The president dedicated a tweet to Sims on Tuesday, calling him a “low level staffer” pretending to be an “insider.”

Trump previously highlighted the Bill Clinton sex scandal during a presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, where he asserted the 42nd president was “abusive to women” who Hillary later also attacked.

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