The corporate bought off establishment media does not even pretend to hide their one sided, completely biased presentation of events in the US any more. Indeed, during a broadcast on MSNBC Tuesday, several “journalists” acknowledged that this is the case, going as far as describing themselves as “coastal elites” in favor of a rigged political system, so long as it stops people like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump rising to prominence.

The video from Morning Joe beggars belief:

During a discussion about media coverage of the presidential race, panelist Elise Jordan veered the conversation toward media bias, noting that focus groups of Trump supporters regard it to be a priority issue.

“I don’t think that you can overstate the impact of the media and the anger against the media in this election, and that’s something that focus groups that, yes, the anger is there against our government, against our elected officials, against the rigged system, but also the media being biased on right and left, about I would say, eight out of ten people think that there’s no hope for what the media puts in front of you,” Jordan said.

The comments prompted Jo Scarborough to launch into an unscripted tirade against the mainstream media, of which he is a part, although he bizarrely doesn’t seem to think so.

“I’ve got to say, and I’ll just say it, over the past couple of weeks, media coverage has been deplorable. It has been deplorable,” Scarborough said.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski attempted to interject telling Scarborough “Just…careful now,” however, he continued with the rant.

“It has been one-sided; it has been biased; it has been every bit as bad as media coverage of the Bernie Sanders phenomenon at the very beginning of the Democratic process. It was slanted and biased against Bernie Sanders; it was completely weighted for Hillary Clinton.” Scarborough admitted.

He continued, “Sanders was holding massive rallies that everybody ignored, that everybody tried to explain away and it’s because, and Mike Barnicle nailed it … we are all at the end coastal elites that didn’t get Bernie Sanders and don’t get why people would ever vote for Donald Trump.”

The Washington Post‘s Chris Cillizza, who has repeatedly attacked Trump, responded by saying he disagreed with Scarborough, and attempted to defend the corporate media, but he admitted that he is certainly “a coastal elite” and a “D.C. insider,” prompting Scarborough to quip “You’re a man of the people.”

In a bizarre act of doublethink, Cillizza said he disagreed that the media is bias against Trump, but then admitted that “yes absolutely” he is biased. He then attempted to explain away biased media coverage by saying “the media is made up of a bunch of humans who get stuff wrong.”

Cillizza claims to be an objective reporter, yet has outright admitted that he supports Hillary Clinton, and has even published anti-Trump strategy memos.

Scarborough then acknowledged that when Bernie Sanders held huge rallies and called the political system rigged, the media refused to report on it.

“There would be like 9 seconds.” Scarborough said.

While Scarborough continued to openly admit how biased the media is, he made it clear that he was not defending Trump in any way, and that he would never vote for him, claiming 73 percent of Americans despise him.

Co-host Willie Geist chimed in with an open admission that many media insiders had made a decision to target Trump a long time ago.

“No way in defense of Donald Trump, but it’s clear, it’s right in front of us that many reporters decided several months ago that this had to be stopped and dropped their veil of fairness, which is a decision that some reporters made and decided that he had to be stopped,” he said.

“I think objectivity is a false idea.” Geist, who works for MSNBC and NBC News, admitted.

Brzezinski agreed saying “it is just completely ridiculous.”

Geist argued that there is a difference between being objective and being “fair” and “judging stories on their merit.” He then stated “Donald Trump has deserved most of the coverage he has gotten, lets be clear about that.”

Geist did not touch upon the fact that Hillary Clinton, mired in scandal after scandal, with disqualifying revelations emerging what seems like every hour from the Podesta emails has been completely protected by the same non objective but “fair” media which continues to either not cover the Wikileaks releases, or downplays and makes excuses for them.

Part of the reason the media isn’t properly covering the Podesta emails is because they clearly show the media is in the pocket of Clinton, giving her veto rights over what they report, and even teeing up favorable stories and repeating her campaign talking points!

Picking up from what Geist said about Trump deserving the coverage he has gotten, Cillizza then asked “how do we not cover what nine women said” about Trump, referring to the allegations of misogyny, and groping.

The answer is easy, just ignore it, like you did the women who accused Bill Clinton of RAPING and sexual abusing them, and Hillary Clinton of threatening them into silence.

After viewing this segment, can there be any wonder over why Trump is attacked and lambasted when he claims that the political system is rigged and that the media is in on it?

As these hack reporters have just openly admitted, Trump is completely right.

And all of that is another reason why 94 percent of Americans do not trust a single thing the mainstream media reports, and why legions of Americans resonate with what Trump says when he declares the system and the media are rigged.

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