Kurt Nimmo
October 21, 2010
Less than two weeks out from the dog and pony show called mid-term elections and Dylan Ratigan wants to know what happened to the Tea Party. He correctly observes that the hitherto grassroots movement was sold down the river and absorbed by the Republican Party. Karl Denninger of FedUpUSA tells Ratigan the movement has devolved into territory safe for the establishment — Guns, gays, God. The threat to the bankster system has been effectively neutralized.
On his blog, Denninger writes that Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, and “douchebag” groups such as the Tea Party Patriots are a joke. “The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity,” writes Denninger.
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The trademark Tea Party destroyed from within by establishment Republicans and now headed up by the ditz Sarah Palin has done virtually nothing to confront the “banking interests selling trash securities to everyone from pension funds on down, judges who don’t judge but rather protect monied interests on Wall Street, The Federal Reserve intentionally debasing our currency and monetizing government debt, government spending that is running 40% above revenues and much more.”
Sarah Palin has not said one word about locking up the banksters that brought up on the housing bubble and economic collapse. Not one word about Bernanke’s out-of-control Fed and the arguably unlawful monetization of Fannie and Freddie paper, not to mention the monetization of the Federal Debt….
Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than The Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with The Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money!
Less than two weeks to go and the Tea Party will tote the establishment Republican line. A new crop of Republicans will sweep Congress and take over the House and possibly the Senate, but come January it will be business as usual.
Nothing of substance will change. The banksters will continue their plan to turn the United States into a third-world hellhole. The middle class will vanish. The “wars” in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq will continue. Neocons will scamper out of the woodwork like cockroaches and their total war agenda will reign supreme.
Bomb Iran Sarah will team up with Mitt Romney or some other vetted globalist and they may very well depose Barry Obama in 2012.
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Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Note: the following video contains impolite language.
Kurt Nimmo edits Infowars.com. He is the author of Another Day in the Empire: Life In Neoconservative America.
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