Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has warned that some of Donald Trump’s likely picks for positions within his Presidential cabinet are ‘unfit’ for government.
Paul, who ran against President elect Donald Trump for the GOP nomination, but ultimately failed to elicit enough popular support, specifically referred to former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Referring to Giuliani, Paul said it was “Worrisome” that he is being considered for the position of secretary of state.
“Some of the ties to foreign governments, that was a big complaint for many of us about Hillary Clinton and her ties and money she received from foreign governments… More important than that is I think Trump should pick a secretary of state that agrees with his foreign policy.” Paul told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.
“The thing Donald Trump said over and over again was that he was opposed to the Iraq War.” Paul stated, adding “He learned that lesson that regime change in the Middle East was not a good idea. Yet I don’t see Giuliani coming out with statements like that.”
“I certainly don’t see John Bolton. Both have been big cheerleaders for the Iraq War and more intervention in the Middle East.” the Libertarian leaning Senator urged.
“I hope Donald Trump will pick someone consistent with what he said on the campaign trail that the Iraq war was a mistake. Having a regime change in the Middle East is a mistake.” Paul noted.
Speaking further of Bolton, Blitzer asked Paul if he would “go so far as to vote not to confirm him as secretary of state if President-elect Trump goes ahead and nominates him?”
“I couldn’t vote for Bolton unless he repudiated his vote for war in the Middle East, and regime change throughout the Middle East.” Paul answered.
“You want a diplomat in charge of diplomacy, not a bomb thrower.” The Senator exclaimed.
“So, no. John Bolton’s totally unfit to be secretary of state. And I hope that the Trump administration will say, ‘You know what? He does not represent what Donald Trump represents,’ which is change, and which is the understanding the Iraq War was a mistake, and that regime change in the Middle East has been a mistake.” Paul said.
Since Trump’s victory, some have been concerned that the president elect may be overly influenced by neocons and shadow government elites.
Rand Paul’s father, former Congressman Ron Paul warned last week that such figures will to attempt to infiltrate and influence his presidency and prevent him from achieving successful change.
Former CIA director James Woolsey, whom many consider to be such a neoconservative, is acting as an advisor for Trump, leaving some concerned that Woolsey has Trump’s ear on who to appoint.
Woolsey told RT this week that the administration will likely be made up of “individuals who would normally be regarded as part of the establishment, but who are willing to work for him, with him to make some changes in American policy.”
So far Trump has appointed Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon as White House strategist, and Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Priebus as chief of staff.
While the Bannon appointment is left of field, and has pleased many anti-establishment Trump supporters, the Priebus appointment was less pleasing for that base of supporters.
Trump has also ordered the removal of all lobbyists from his transition team following criticism that it did not jive with his anti-establishment campaign.
Rest assured, Trump will have his feet held to the fire over appointments he makes, given that he ran on the promise to ‘drain the swamp’ of Washington insiders.
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