Paul Joseph Watson
January 13, 2011
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and just for a change President Obama got was correct in his speech last night when he said that people should stop exploiting the Tucson tragedy as a political opportunity to point the finger.
In Tucson to eulogize the victims of last weekend’s tragic shooting, President Obama somberly called for an end to the political blame game that erupted in the wake of the tragedy and urged Americans not to use it as “one more occasion to turn on each other.”
Instead, Obama told an overflow crowd of more than 14,000 people at the University of Arizona the moment should prompt Americans to step back and reflect on how they lead their own lives and how they deal with one another.
All the evidence now tells us that Jared Lee Loughner was motivated by little else than his own inner demons. According to those who knew the gunman, he was largely disinterested in politics.
“He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio. He didn’t take sides. He wasn’t on the left. He wasn’t on the right,” Loughner’s high school friend Zach Osler told ABC News.
Indeed, we now know that Loughner’s downward spiral began when he was dumped by his girlfriend and turned to drugs and alcohol, including the legal hallucinogenic drug Salvia Divinorum. The drug’s warping of Loughner’s perceptions, combined with his obsession with lucid dreaming and alternate realities, resulted in a lethal cocktail that undoubtedly contributed to him carrying out the massacre.
But even as the contrived ploy of blaming conservative talk radio for the shootings as a political ruse to clamp down on free speech was rejected, establishment media talking heads suddenly shifted to a new scapegoat – conspiracy documentaries and gold advocates.
The inference is as transparent as it is moronic – that anyone who advocates buying gold or the return of a gold standard, people like Congressman Ron Paul, are either potential mass killers themselves or are responsible for Saturday’s massacre. Or alternatively, anyone that has watched a conspiracy movie like Zeitgeist, which is now being cited as a primary influence on Loughner, is also in this category.
Zeitgeist has been watched by millions of people on You Tube alone (2 million on this one channel), not to mention DVD copies. Are we now supposed to swallow the idea that there are millions of mass killers out there waiting to strike as a result of watching this film?
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Loughner also cited Donnie Darko as one of his favorite films, a massively popular 2001 film starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Drew Barrymore and Patrick Swayze which has been seen by literally tens of millions of people worldwide. Are we now supposed to fear an army of tens of millions of serial killers being turned loose as a result of this movie?
This is obviously another crude attempt on behalf of establishment talking heads at exploiting the deaths of six people to demonize those who they politically disagree with and wish to see demonized. The “right-wing rhetoric” hoax fell flat on its face so now they are moving on to another target that they perceive won’t be as proficient in being able to defend itself.
The corporate media clowns who unleash this drivel are the equivalent of immature toddlers who blame everyone else as a way out of taking responsibility for their actions. If anything besides Loughner’s mental instability and psychotropic drug use was responsible for Saturday’s massacre it was the establishment media’s constant invoking of the idea that Americans are going to get angry and kill people.
As Alex Jones writes, “What we have here is a clear case of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The national and local media knew exactly what they were doing. They hyped to a pool of 300 million Americans over and over again that a deranged tea partier is going to gun politicians down. Then, a highly suggestible paranoid schizophrenic acts on the hype and the media instantly blames the tea party. If they continue to hype this, it will cause more deranged copycats to act.”
One wonders what the idiots who can’t seem to grasp fact that there are mentally ill people out there who will commit atrocious acts of evil for no particular reason will blame next for Loughner’s rampage.
Maybe Loughner was a fan of the Arizona Cardinals and, like hundreds of thousands of other people, occasionally watched a Cardinals game. Does that mean the Cardinals share some blame for the massacre?
Even when the President of the United States backs down on playing the blame game, and even when the father of the 9-year-old girl tragically killed in the shooting pleads that people not exploit her death for political grist, these vultures still persist in obsessing about every minutia of Loughner’s life in the hope that they can find some more dirt with which to throw in a crude effort to silence their political adversaries.
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Unfortunately, there will be more Jared Loughner’s in the years to come because there will be more young people who succumb to drugs, depression and mental illness.
This doesn’t mean that people will stop making conspiracy documentaries, that they will stop speaking out against the Federal Reserve, or that they will stop advocating the private ownership of precious metals. But that won’t stop political hacks from hijacking the tragedy before the bodies are even buried as a vehicle through which to advance their own selfish, authoritarian and despotic agendas.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
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