Thousands of people – more than 100,000 in fact – have had their visas revoked since 2001, but that doesn’t mean the Obama administration knows where those people are, reports Fox News:

The Obama administration cannot be sure of the whereabouts of thousands of foreigners in the U.S. who had their visas revoked over terror concerns and other reasons, a State Department official acknowledged Thursday.

The shocking revelation came during a Congressional hearing into the vetting process for immigrants and those seeking visas to enter the United States.

“You don’t have a clue do you?” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told Michele Thoren Bond, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Consular Affairs.

Of the more than 122,000 people that have had visas revoked, 9,500 have been due to concerns about terrorism. Chaffetz quickly pried at that stat, pressing the witness about the present location of those individuals.

“I don’t know,” she said.

The startling admission came as members of the committee pressed administration officials on what safeguards are in place to reduce the risk from would-be extremists.

Members of Congress have become more concerned about the screening of visa holders since it was revealed that Tashfeen Malik, one half of the husband-and-wife jihadi team that launched the San Bernardino terrorist attack, entered the United States on a fiancee visa.

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