Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s latest indictment of a London lawyer is based on supposed wrongdoing in 2012, during the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State.
“The lawyer is accused of misleading investigators about the last time he talked with Richard Gates, who was indicted in October with ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort over their consulting work in Ukraine,” reported Bloomberg. “Van Der Zwaan was questioned by U.S. authorities regarding his firm’s work in 2012 on behalf of the Ukraine Ministry of Justice.”
This is three years before Donald Trump announced his White House run. In other words, it’s another indictment of a foreign national based on activity DURING the Obama administration, just like the indictments of 13 Russian nationals for a troll campaign in 2014.
If Trump is deeply implicated in “Russian collusion,” as his enemies suggest, then how come most of the alleged wrongdoing happened on Obama’s watch?
And, interestingly enough, the Clinton State Dept. had an interest in Ukrainian politics in 2012.
From an Aug. 20, 2016 article in the NY Times, which predates the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory:
Victor Pinchuk, a steel magnate whose father-in-law, Leonid Kuchma, was president of Ukraine from 1994 to 2005, has directed between $10 million and $25 million to the [Clinton] foundation. He has lent his private plane to the Clintons and traveled to Los Angeles in 2011 to attend Mr. Clinton’s star-studded 65th birthday celebration.
Between September 2011 and November 2012, Douglas E. Schoen, a former political consultant for Mr. Clinton, arranged about a dozen meetings with State Department officials on behalf of or with Mr. Pinchuk to discuss the continuing political crisis in Ukraine, according to reports Mr. Schoen filed as a registered lobbyist.
This, of course, isn’t to suggest the Van Der Zwaan indictment and these meetings are related, but it’s definitely worth investigating Clinton’s ties to Ukraine during that time, given the “pay to play” scheme she had going on with foreign officials.
So, while aiming at Trump, Mueller’s probe keeps hitting targets close to Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration.
As Infowars reported, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein made clear no one in the Trump campaign had any knowledge of Russian subversion pertaining to the recent indictments.
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American had any knowledge,” he said. “The nature of the scheme was the defendants took extraordinary steps to make it appear that they were ordinary American political activists, even so far as to base their activities on a virtual private network here in the United States.”
And as reported in July, it seems as if Mueller’s probe is better suited for investigating Clinton than the allegations made against Trump.
For one thing, the entire investigation is packed with experts in organized crime rings and terrorism – not foreign relations and election fraud as one would expect if Trump were the target.
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