Infowar Boulder
February 9, 2010
On both the Left and Right financial parasites clamor for votes and a chance to serve the banker elite. Their attempts to manipulate the masses, divide and conquer, however, will only see limited success. Disillusionment from losing the Tea Party as our voice will be shortlived. We remember. We know: They can’t wipe us out, they can’t lick us. We’ll go on forever, cos we’re the people.
Actress, Jane Darwell, portraying ‘Ma Joad’, concludes the 1940 film, The Grapes of Wrath, with these words:
“I ain’t never gonna be scared no more. I was, though. For a while it looked as though we was beat. Good and beat. Looked like we didn’t have nobody in the whole wide world but enemies. Like nobody was friendly no more. Made me feel kinda bad and scared too, like we was lost and nobody cared…. Rich fellas come up and they die, and their kids ain’t no good and they die out, but we keep on coming. We’re the people that live. They can’t wipe us out, they can’t lick us. We’ll go on forever, Pa, cos we’re the people.”
Yep. Don’t need to use a bunch of fancy words. Don’t need to talk good. You don’t even need to look good. We, the people, who prefer honest work and yearn for a decent life, intuitively know lies and deceit when we see it. We know what counts and what don’t.
Powerful and controversial for its time, The Grapes of Wrath chronicled the plight of the ’Joad’ family after losing their farm during the 1930’s Great Depression. Based on John Steinbeck’s novel the film eerily includes scenes and dialog that could be lifted straight out of today’s news. Indeed, Ma Joad’s affirmation could be the rallying cry for many oppressed by present-day Big Govt/corporate tyranny.
This past week the first national Tea Party convention was held in Nashville, TN. Attendees paid $500 a plate and listened to featured speaker, Neocon celebrity, Sarah Palin. For those that remember, however, the Tea Party movement had a very different origin. It was started a few years ago by everyday folks tired of corporate manipulated, government intrusion in their lives. Sounding the alarm of the incremental fascism of Bush (and now, Obama) they called for a return to the Constitution and the freedoms promised in it.
You Can’t Fool the People
[efoods]On the grassroots level, supporters understood the fraud of a two-party (duopoly) dictatorship. They understood that Republicans and Democrats are really separate arms on the same beast. The ‘beast’, of course, being the banking cartel that profits from government and social debt, i.e., big war/big welfare government spending. Many were anti-war, outside-the-box, Ron Paul supporters. Obviously, things have radically changed.
It’s popularity spreading like wildfire, the Tea Party movement became a target for co-optation by the Republican Neocon establishment. With plenty of propaganda help from CNN and Fox News the Tea Party was converted from a genuine people’s movement into another Republican Party tool to bash Democrats and their big spender, big welfare, policies. With the Tea Party effectively subverted, the power elite thinks the phony theatrics of GOP – Democrat partisanship can comfortably continue. Like putting lipstick on a pig, the GOP hopes the Tea Party motif will mask its own big spender, big war, policies.
Exploiting the Tea Party sentiment sweeping the country the GOP has found a slew of candidates well versed in the lingo of liberty. Party hacks including stock brokers, lawyers, and other social parasites, are wrapping themselves in “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and expect votes from the poor and disenfranchised middle class. Forgotten, however, are Ron Paul’s constitutional principles of ending the phony War on Terror and the corrupt Federal Reserve. His very own Campaign for Liberty is under assault from insider party hacks. Here in Colorado the organization’s name was recently linked to the U.S. Senatorial candidacy of military interventionist, Ken Buck. The big lie of 9/11 as justification for endless war persists.
In the GOP lexicon “fiscal conservatism” now means taking money out of social services and putting it into the military and Homeland Security. Either way, the banker agenda of socialized debt/private profit will be served.
On both the Left and Right financial parasites clamor for votes and a chance to serve the banker elite. Their attempts to manipulate the masses, divide and conquer, however, will only see limited success. Disillusionment from losing the Tea Party as our voice will be shortlived. We remember. We know: They can’t wipe us out, they can’t lick us. We’ll go on forever, cos we’re the people.
The Grapes of Wrath, film:
Tea Party Sarah is a Neocon:
GOP hijacks Tea Party:
Insider party hacks attempt to sabotage Campaign for Liberty:
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