Ethan A. Huff
November 9, 2012

There are a variety of reasons why Americans in particular tend to struggle with weight issues — a heavily-processed, high-grain diet tainted with all sorts of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and synthetic additives is just one reason among many why as many as 42 percent of Americans are expected to be obese by 2030. But rather than address the foundational causes of obesity, which include poor diet, lack of regular exercise, and exposure to environmental toxins, researchers at Ohio State University (OSU) are busy developing a vaccine they claim could one day melt away the pounds without ever having to disrupt the status quo.

For their study, researchers from OSU’s Comprehensive Cancer Center decided to mess around with so-called “brown” fat cells, which are the type the body uses to increase metabolism. By encapsulating brown fat cells with a protective layer and injecting them into a solution of “white” fat cells, which are considered to be the “bad” type commonly retained around the abdomen, the team was able to successfully burn away the white fat cells and induce weight loss. And they say this discovery could one day lead to the development of a fat-burning vaccine for humans that is capable of actually turning white fat cells into brown fat cells, which in turn could help overweight or obese individuals attain a healthy weight.

As predicted, vaccines are gradually becoming the answer to almost every health condition imaginable. Are you prone to developing urinary tract infections? Researchers from the University of Michigan (UM) are working on a vaccine for that, even though prevention is often as simple as drinking cranberry juice or taking D-Mannose, a polysaccharide derived from cranberries. Or perhaps you suffer from depression symptoms? Researchers from the Children’s Hospital University of Illinois have that one covered, too.

Medical system pushing vaccines as cure for conditions potentially caused by other vaccines

However, at no point during all this chatter about fighting obesity, infection, and mental illness has there been any mention of utilizing nutrition to help people maintain a healthy weight and fight disease, both mental and physical. Instead, mainstream researchers would rather inject you and your family with vaccines for any ailment you might have, or could eventually develop. There is also no talk about what is causing these epidemic conditions in the first place, which is perhaps due to the inconvenient fact that vaccines themselves are linked to causing neurological damage, gastrointestinal disorders, and immune damage, all of which are implicated in causing the very diseases researchers are now trying to cure with more vaccines.

It is a vicious cycle of essentially creating disease, covering up its root causes, and developing drug-based “cures” that cause even more disease, which requires more drug-based “cures,” and so on and so forth. Meanwhile, real cures like eating an organic, whole food-based diet rich in healthy saturated fats and free of GMOs are completely ignored and discarded as inconsequential by the medical system, which always takes a reactionary approach that addresses symptoms rather than a preventive approach that addresses the actual cause of disease.

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