Kurt Nimmo
October 31, 2012

A news report posted on the San Mateo County Times website has linked Alex Jones to a man arrested with 145 pounds of dynamite in his home. Authorities claim the man is linked to the sovereign citizen movement.

photoAuthorities admit there is no evidence William Harrell is a member of the Sovereign Citizen movement.

William Harrell, 46, pleaded not guilty earlier this month to one felony count each of possessing explosives, having marijuana for sale, child endangerment and possessing explosives near a residence. He was arrested after police responded to a domestic argument with his girlfriend. Police discovered 145 pounds of explosives and $37,000 in cash in the closet at of his home in Brisbane, California.

According to Brisbane police Cmdr. Robert Meisner, residents of the neighborhood were not evacuated because the explosives did not pose a threat.

Harrell’s girlfriend told investigators her boyfriend is a member of the Sovereign Citizen movement. Harrell’s father, however, said his son is not a member of the group. Police have declined to directly associate him with any extremist groups.

“According to the FBI, people identifying with the movement have killed six law enforcement officers since 2000,” the Mercury News reported on October 4. “However, Meisner said police found no evidence that Harrell is a Sovereign Citizen or is tied to any extremist group.”

The San Mateo County Times quotes Harrell’s father as saying his son listens to the Alex Jones Show. He said “the younger Harrell is guilty of nothing worse than listening to a radio program host who critics call a right-wing conspiracy theorist,” Joshua Melvin writes for the newspaper.

Harrell’s father says the worst his son has done is listen to “The Alex Jones Show” on radio. The Anti-Defamation League has called the program an anti-government outlet for conspiracy theories. The league says Jones argued the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and President Barack Obama is a “Trojan Horse” manufactured “to pacify the people.”

“My son listens to him,” said the elder Harrell. “That is as much as there is to those allegations. Most of what is being written is false.”

In August, the Anti-Defamation League insinuated that Alex Jones was the inspiration behind the murder of two Louisiana police officers.

“Following the April 2009 incident in which Richard Poplawski shot dead three Pittsburgh police officers, ADL sister organization the Southern Poverty Law Center attempted to tie Jones to the murders by claiming Poplawski was a huge fan, when in reality he had publicly attacked Jones and openly disagreed with his peaceful message. Despite the fact that several large media outlets had to issue retractions of the smear, the SPLC never withdrew the erroneous claim,” Paul Joseph Watson writes.

As we noted in August, the FBI has associated cop killers with the patriot and constitutionalist movements. The FBI’s Counterterrorism Analysis Section produced a report in February stating that activists opposed to government authority and taxation pose a violent threat to law enforcement. The report specifically denotes constitutionalists as terrorists.

Infowars.com reported last year that virtually all terror plots in the United States are organized by the FBI. A report published by Mother Jones and the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California-Berkley revealed the FBI recruits patsies and encourages them to engage in terror plots.

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