As myself and others have been telling you for years, your cellphone really is giving you cancer. That’s the conclusion from a new mega study that backs up the reality that cellphone radiation is contributing to the development of brain tumors.

“For example, using your phone for just 20 minutes a day for five years increased the risk of one type of brain tumor threefold, and using the phone an hour a day for four years upped the risk of some tumors three to five times, study author Igor Yakymenko said.”

It’s something that has been dubbed a ‘conspiracy theory’ for some time: the notion that pressing your cellphone against your ear could be causing some serious damage. In fact, I remember being called ‘crazy’ about 5 years ago by a medical professional for investing in a pair of headphones in order to go hands-free with my calls.

But then again, I’ve also been called ‘crazy’ for going against Monsanto’s Roundup (now admittedly linked to cancer), and heavy water fluoridation (now being scaled back and found to be worthless when it comes to cavity prevention).

What This Study Truly Means

But here’s what this study truly means. Once again, we now find that it is essential to take your health (and knowledge of true health) into your own hands, and take your own measures to decrease your daily exposure to dangerous factors. Whether it’s avoiding additives in the food supply, or limiting your cellphone use and going hands-free.

As RT reports:

“Yakymenko said that cellphone use for 20 minutes a day for five years can boost the risk of one type of brain tumor by three times, while using a cellphone for an hour a day for four years and increase the risk of certain tumors by three to five times.”

Ultimately, studies like this one serve one major purpose: to remind us that we should be using common sense and knowledge to better protect ourselves each day.

This article originally appeared at Natural Society.

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