Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton
May 3, 2012

PHOENIX – Volunteer U.S. Border Guard & outspoken former U.S. Marine, J.T. Ready, was found dead Wednesday afternoon along with three adults and one small child, in an apparent mass shooting in Gilbert, Arizona.

According to local police, this mass shooting event has been declared an open and shut case just hours after the fact. According to the police, there are no survivors and no eye witnesses to mention. Most horribly, the ruthless slaying also included a two year old girl.

Within just a couple of hours after the event the police & media were quick to accuse Ready of being responsible, with the local news officially declaring this morning that the crime a murder/suicide, “domestic violence carried out by former white supremist and lone vigilante.”

Case closed.

The full ballistics reports have not even been carried out for this five person shooting, yet police are rushing to draw a line under the case.

But early reports from the Arizona Republic reported an unknown gunman, wearing body armor, opening fire in the area – a report which died quickly as soon as police secured the crime scene and began giving statements to the local media.

Speculation of a cover-up frenzy was fueled by an early statement from Sgt. Bill Balafas stating, “We don’t believe the suspect is at large. All the information is pointing to the fact that he is one of the dead in the house;” thus, continuing the latest trend of not waiting for a full coroner’s report before publicly slandering and implicating someone.

According the Veterans Today:

“Miltary trucks are arriving at the murder scene in Arizona,  The FBI, ICE, Homeland Security, State and local forces all there for what the news across the nation and the world had wrongly reported as a murder suicide involving a believed one time militant extremist.

The police press conference today, blaming the incident in domestic violence is a “cop out” as far as we are concerned.  The police say the military has to be there because the “ammunition” stored in the home was too confusing for normal people to deal with, like, perhaps, to “leave there” as they should.

The chemical drums found may very well be rain water.  After the Gabby Giffords shooting, Gabby and so many others, police statements along with military presence has become something of a signature we have begun to understand, the more departments and agencies, the further from the truth we get.”

What would be the motive for such a crime? Police are quick to insist it is simply that of a crazed lone-gunman.

But Ready was campaigning as a democrat for the Sheriff’s Office in Pinal County – a county currently being ravaged by Mexican drug cartels and suffering losses due to the federal government’s Fast and Furious gun distribution operation.

J.T. Ready had made himself a target from many quarters. His volunteer Minuteman group’s recent seizure of $4.5 million of illegal narcotics made him a target of the Mexican Drug Cartels. A post on Ready’s Facebook page yesterday alluded to just that.

It seems there were two sides to J.T. Ready – one of a highly articulate, intelligent, principled American citizen who was deeply concerned about our country’s future, and that of a person haunted by what the media portrayed as his dark questionable past.

JT Ready had become a ‘person of interest’ to many people in recent years.

Ready’s opponents on issues like immigration reform and the 2nd Amendement would have been enraged by his public statements against Operation Fast and Furious, as well as his recent political relationship with Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce who recently went to the Supreme Court in Washington DC to bat for Arizona in the battle for states’ rights. Last night’s multiple murder in Gilbert, Arizona will only fuel increased speculation – as well as border tension and new attempts to smear fellow SB1070 proponent Russell Pearce by his known political connections to Ready, while also going after the 2nd Amendment.

Ready has drawn fire from different area after fashioning himself into a public figure as an advocate for the 2nd Amendment, immigration reform, and most notably as sovereign rights of individuals as well as a defender of the constitution. Critics will also point to his known attendance at Neo-Nazi Rallies or perhaps that he was mentioned as a possible FBI informant  affiliated with the ‘National Socialist Movement‘ (NSM), a group known to be deeply infiltrated by the FBI.

Association with the NSM would cause some to speculate that Ready was a federal informant at some point. If Ready was ever a federal informant, recent evidence would suggest that he would  have progressed well beyond this, and had gone independent. But Ready’s own military background along with many level-headed and constitutionally sound statements to support his role as a volunteer leader along Arizona’s hot border – suggest that he was an independent citizen and an outspoken advocate.

Ready had been closely monitoring the border situation with fellow USBG Rangers since 2009, and according to the USBG  mission statement, had been cooperating with the Department of Homeland Security in their efforts to secure the border.

In a recent post on his Facebook profile it shows a man saddled with the stance on illegal immigration, with Ready stating: “Volunteer elements that wish to help protect this nation should be organized and be put to use, not turned away like the current administration is notorious for doing.”

This political position – particularly from someone running for Sheriff in America’s most embattled county, made him a target of the federal government.

If there was motive to kill J.T. Ready, perhaps it was his role in intercepting drugs from the powerful Sinaloa Drug Cartel.  Perhaps it was his open distaste for the Federal Government and Arizona’s open borders.  Or maybe it was his ambition to become Sheriff – in a border county which is currently the number one theater for drug smuggling and border crime in the United States of America.

So as tragedies mount and tension rises, one thing is for certain, that the snake is only starting to unravel.

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