Kurt Nimmo
December 31, 2010

Now that Republicans have a majority in Congress, they are pretending to be constitutionalists. In order to demonstrate this, they will theatrically read aloud the Constitution from the floor of the House next week. “And then they will require that every new bill contain a statement by the lawmaker who wrote it citing the constitutional authority to enact the proposed legislation,” the Washington Post reports.

Establishment Republicans, of course, have the same amount of contempt for the Constitution as establishment Democrats. As dedicated worshippers of state power over the individual, Republicans and their ideological twins the Democrats hate the founding principles of this country.

“Conservatives regard civil liberties as coddling devices for criminals and terrorists. They see the First Amendment as a foolish protection for sedition,” writes Paul Craig Roberts. “The conservative assault on the US Constitution is deeply entrenched… Today’s conservatives are so poorly informed that they cannot understand that to lose the Constitution is to lose the country.”

While so-called conservatives pay lip-service to the Constitution, so-called progressives actively trash it and cosign the founding document to irrelevance, as the above video demonstrates.

In the video, a blogger and columnist for the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post, says the Constitution has “no binding power on anything” and is confusing – for liberals and other advocates of state power over the individual – because it is over a hundred years old.

Nancy Pelosi and the formerly ruling Democrats also believe the Constitution is irrelevant. “Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?” a reporter for CNN asked Speaker Pelosi as Democrats prepared to shove Obamacare down the throats of the American people. Pelosi responded: “Are you serious? Are you serious?”

In August, Illinois Democrat Phil Hare told his constituents that he does not give a whit about the Constitution. “I don’t worry about the Constitution on this to be honest,” Hare said in response to a question about the constitutionality of Obamacare.

Hare also demonstrated his contemptible ignorance by saying that the Constitution guarantees each of us “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” In fact, that line is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.

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“We’ve now arrived at the point where a sitting Congressman can openly state that he doesn’t care what the Constitution says, a sentiment obviously held by a majority of Members since Congress continues to putatively enact ‘laws’ in the utter absence of express constitutional text,” Paul Galvin wrote after Hare made his harebrained comments for the camera.

For the establishment political class, the Constitution is completely irrelevant. Consider the following video where Republican Frank LoBiondo cannot answer a simple question about the document he has sworn to uphold from enemies foreign and domestic:

Even the soon to be leader of the House, John Boehner, is largely clueless about the Constitution. In the following video, he mistakenly attributes a line from the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution:

Barry Obama did the same, but then he was reading from a teleprompter:

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” his predecessor reportedly declared. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

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Mr. Klein’s dismissive remark about the Constitution is shared by a large number of politicos and other worshippers of state power in the district of criminals. If the establishment political class is going to successfully strip us of our natural and god-given rights, they have to promulgate the idea that the Constitution is irrelevant and nothing more than a quaint piece of goddamn paper.

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