The incident at Missouri University yesterday where a photographer was harassed and assaulted for trying to exercise his First Amendment right in a state controlled PC zone is reminiscent of other incidents of intolerance in American history.

For instance, at the Salem village in Massachusetts in the late 1600s where inflexible religious precept disallowed religious and political opposition, an attitude that ultimately resulted in the Salem Witch trials and the execution of suspected heretics and witches.

The incident in Missouri is not fairly analogous to the Salem Witch trials, but the comparison is apropos considering the inflexible and dogmatic attitude of the protesters who had the president of the university,Tim Wolfe, removed because he failed to acknowledge his “white privilege,” a racist precept as odious as the religious intolerance in Massachusetts four hundred years ago.

The events in Massachusetts resulted in violence based on prejudice and the same would be true, if the opportunity arose, in Missouri. The students, indoctrinated by Marxists at the university and infected by the contagion of “social justice” predicated on sexism and racism, are as intolerant and potentially violent as their counterparts in Massachusetts.

A more accurate political comparison would be Mao’s Red Guards in China during the so-called Cultural Revolution. Mao’s youthful Red soldiers helped him re-educate millions of Chinese who were considered enemies of the Cultural Revolution.

The students in Missouri and on college campuses around the country have yet to abduct and re-educate those who do not subscribe to their “social justice” agenda, but they have repeatedly demonstrated a desire to do so.

Mao encouraged students to attack “counterrevolutionaries” and those who deviated from the Maoist ideology. His pogrom was carried out with particular enthusiasm and violence. Millions of people were killed between 1967 and 1971 for the crime of resisting the Revolution and engaging in thought crime. Marxist and socialist professors on American campuses have demonstrated they would like nothing better than to follow a similar path.

In Cambodia in the late 1970s a pattern similar to the one in China unfolded when the brutal Khmer Rouge led by the vicious Pol Pot embarked on an agrarian socialist revolution, resulting in killing fields and around three million people slaughtered. Pol Pot was an admirer of Mao. The Chinese tyrant congratulated Pot in 1975 for installing radical communism. In a way Pol Pot’s experiment was more successful than Mao’s—it resulted in turning everybody in Cambodia into a slave afraid to resist a political orthodoxy imposed by violence.

Students in America duped by Marxists are following a similar path and are acting as the vanguard of violence to come. The inability of the students in the video above to realize they are betraying the cherished and hard fought principles of liberty—freedom of speech and political discourse and the right to be free of coercion and violence—is a mind-numbing first step leading down the path to “social justice” totalitarianism.   

Fortunately, Americans are not Chinese and Cambodian peasants. Many have demonstrated they are fed up with the political correct nonsense flourishing on American campuses. In a few instances they have moved to remove tax payer subsidies to those institutions.

Hopefully, the contagion will not spread further, although it has infected many PC havens such as San Francisco and other urban areas. If the PC socialists and their political leaders such as Obama and Clinton get their wish and successfully disarm the American people, there will be little chance of resistance.

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