German Chancellor Angela Merkel responded to the Paris massacre by calling for “tolerance” towards migrants and respect for “the right of everyone to seek his fortune and live,” as her policy of allowing in hundreds of thousands of refugees came under fresh scrutiny.

“We believe in the right of everyone to seek his fortune and live, to the respect for the other and tolerance,” said Merkel. “We know that our free life is stronger than any terrorist. Let’s give the terrorists the answer by living our values confidently. And as we affirm these values throughout Europe. Now more than ever.”

Just last month, top security experts warned Merkel that the middle class in Germany is becoming “radicalized” in response to the migrant influx and that domestic unrest may occur as a result.

The warning was “circulated among high-ranking security officials in the federal government,” according to the report.

With Poland already announcing that it will refuse to take in any more refugees after the bloody attacks in Paris, Merkel’s open border policy, already under fierce criticism, is likely to face intense opposition given ISIS’ vow to smuggle in jihadists amidst the waves of migrants.

Meanwhile, Front National leader Marine Le Pen struck a far different tone to Merkel, calling on France to tighten its borders.

“France must determine who its friends are and who its enemies are. France’s enemies are those who maintain links with Islamism. Once and for all, France must recapture control of its borders,” said Le Pen.

“Islamist fundamentalism must be destroyed, radical mosques must be closed and radicals clerics must be expelled. French terrorists must be stripped of their citizenship and banned from this country.”


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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