The mainstream media is celebrating Megyn Kelly’s hit piece on Alex Jones despite them previously decrying her for giving Jones a platform and despite Kelly being exposed as a liar days before the interview aired.

The NBC host’s dishonesty was laid bare last week when Infowars released a tape of her promising the interview would not be a hit piece.

“If there’s one thing about me it’s that I do what I say I’m going to do and I don’t double cross. It’s not going to be some gotcha hit piece, I promise you that,” she told Jones.

In reality, the entire spectacle was a hit piece from the very beginning. After Kelly received heat merely for interviewing Jones, NBC vowed to edit the interview to show Jones in an unfair light – and it showed.

At numerous points, the interview was deliberately edited to make it look as though Jones was giving incoherent answers.

Despite the rest of the media attacking Kelly for giving Jones a platform, as soon as the interview aired, they did a 180 and began celebrating the interview as the best hit piece ever – again underscoring the rampant hypocrisy that dominates the mainstream media.

“The best the network was able to cobble together after an 8 hour interview was a flaming dumpster of highly edited spin,” reports Zero Hedge.

“During the 20 minute exposé, 10-20 second clips of Jones and Kelly were used to segue into propagandized vignettes attacking various topics the Infowars host has reported on over the years – ultimately tying Jones to Donald Trump in an effort to undermine the President. To help Kelly peddle this fiction, NBC even wheeled Tom Brokaw out to triage Kelly’s diced up yellow journalism.

“Most of the ravenous left already hate Jones – but after the NBC interview, millions of curious Americans who haven’t been introduced to the Infowars host are going to check out his platform. And what will they find? Firebrand red-pilled journalists like Paul Joseph Watson and the rest of the crew, Harvard PhD. Jerome Corsi, and frequent guests who have been deep inside government like Roger Stone and Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

And why will Jones receive millions of new readers, listeners, and watchers thanks to Megyn Kelly? Because free thinking people don’t trust the MSM anymore – especially after the 2016 election. Thanks to the internet and the relatively free flow of information, people know about all actual fake news spewing out of the MSM.

As the saying goes – there’s no such thing as bad publicity, and when Megyn Kelly and NBC decided to shotgun blast America with a diced up hit-piece on Alex Jones, they didn’t count on people seeing right through their obvious propaganda. At the end of the day, the Megyn Kelly interview was nothing more than a gigantic advertisement for Infowars. Oops!”

Jones will now be releasing the full interview so people can see for themselves what actually happened and how it was spun by NBC.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity is also calling on NBC to release the full tapes and “let America decide”.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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