Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, July 16, 2009

London Times Censors Mass Opposition to Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccine 160709top

The London Times newspaper has apparently censored scores of comments on its own website that expressed vehement opposition to plans by the UK government to implement a mandatory vaccination program for swine flu.

As we reported on Sunday, respondents to a London Times article concerning the fact that the vaccine will be rushed through safety procedures in just five days, increasing the chances of it causing deaths and injuries in the thousands, as happened with the 1977 mass vaccination program in the U.S. which killed more people than the actual swine flu virus, overwhelmingly indicated that they would refuse to take the shot.

At one point, out of the first 50 comments on the article, over 40 expressed opposition to taking the shot and the other handful were merely asking questions about it. Hardly any comments expressed support for the nationwide rollout of the swine flu vaccine.

The overwhelming majority of comments were in the context of the following sample.

“Nobody’s coming anywhere near me or my family with their experimental mass vaccine/poison programme,” wrote one. “We will take our chances of catching their manufactured bird/pig/human virus, that was accidentally on purpose! released onto an unsuspecting public in the first place!”

“Anybody who reads this obviously still has the ability to reason and be guided by their own survival instinct and thus should listen to it. The mass fear mongering is a worldwide, co-ordinated and open conspiracy with massive geo political underpinnings. Don’t be fooled, eat properly and exercise,” adds another.

“A vaccine that is – effectively – being tested on the population, the prime reasons for such being the economy and easing pressure on the NHS? I’ll be another one who passes,” comments another.

“Thanks but no thanks. Rushed through tests in 5 days? What about long term effects? Vioxx and Thalidomide had long testing. How safe did they turn out to be? The side effects of Statins that they want everyone to take are worrying. I’ll take my chances with cholesterol,” writes another.


As of today however, the original London Times article that featured the comments (Swine flu vaccine rushed through safety checks) has been completely wiped clean, and the scores of comments expressing refusal to comply with any potential mandatory vaccination program have been sent down the memory hole.

A reader e mailed us to notify us that the comments had all been deleted.

“I revisited the article entitled “Swine flu vaccine rushed through safety checks” on the times website, to see if, as I had a suspicion, the comments would be censored as they were predominantly decrying the vaccine,” he writes.

“Lo and behold, they have all disappeared, and furthermore I noticed the commenting system is now setup so you must register to comment, whereas before it was open to anyone who simply supplied an email address. No doubt this is to discourage anonymous posts, however the registration does of course allow you to type a false name.”

“Having suspected this censorship would happen, I saved the web page with the comments in, and I have listed them below. I can supply the webpage as a zip if requested.”

The fact that major British newspapers are censoring the mass opposition to the planned mandatory nationwide roll out of the swine flu vaccine is indicative of the concern that authorities must be having about exactly how many millions of Brits will refuse to take the shot when vaccines become available later this year.

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