Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes
Prison Planet
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Leaked confidential NIST documents concerning the investigation into the collapse of WTC 7, the 47-storey skyscraper that was not hit by a plane but imploded in under seven seconds on 9/11, reveal that an "unusual" event preceded the collapse of the building – a "jet of flames" that shot out of several windows after most of the fire had already died down.

  The leaked documents precede a BBC hit piece documentary which airs on July 6th and is set to claim that WTC 7 was the first steel-framed building in history to suffer a complete collapse from fire damage alone — a scientific impossibility.

The documents – entitled Confidential and Predecisonal Document NIST Report on Building 7 – form the preamble for a long-awaited final verdict on what caused a structurally reinforced building to fall like a controlled demolition despite suffering relatively minimal fire damage.

Chapter 1: WTC 7 Visual Evidence, Damage Estimates, and Timeline Analysis (William Pitts) is a thorough analysis of window fires by video and picture evidence, which concludes that all major fires before floors 7 and 13 died out prior to collapse.

The report states, "At 4:38 p.m. all of the windows between 13-44A and 13-47C were open, and the fires responsible for opening the windows had died down to the point where they could no longer be observed."

"Just prior to the collapse of the building at 5:20:52 p.m. a jet of flames was pushed from windows in the same area. The event that caused this unusual behavior has not been identified."

The report describes the nature of fires from floors 7-13 and also states, "With the exception of the fires on the 19th, 22nd, 29th, and 30th floors discussed at the start of this section, there is essentially no direct visual evidence of fires on other floors of WTC 7."

The photographs displayed in the report, many of which have never been seen before, do not show any other damage to the building than the small fires from floors 7-13 and the relatively minimal "scoop" observed on the lower right-hand west face of the building.

What could have caused this "jet of flames" to shoot out of windows immediately prior to the collapse of the building? The decompression force of a series of explosives or an incendiary device?

The leaked documents precede a BBC hit piece documentary which airs on July 6th and is set to claim that WTC 7 was the first steel-framed building in history to suffer a complete collapse from fire damage alone – a scientific impossibility.

As we reported on Monday, Deputy Director, Emergency Services Department, New York City Housing Authority Barry Jennings, who was trapped inside Building 7, reported explosions going off and witnessing dead bodies before the collapse of either of the twin towers.

We will be combing through the lengthy NIST documents over the course of the next few days to pick out more irregularities and potential smoking guns over the next few days – stay tuned. Feel free to e mail us with any interesting discoveries of your own.

Click here for copy files of NIST documents.

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