The Jussie Smollett alleged hate hoax is the gift that keeps on giving.

Democrat 2020 presidential front-runner Kamala Harris has been trying her best to avoid questions over her calling the so-called attack on Smollett an “attempted modern day lynching.”

She and Cory Booker also exploited the allegedly staged attack to get a bill passed to expand federal hate crimes to include “lynching.”

Harris finally issued a statement on Thursday after Smollett was officially arrested saying we should not focus exclusively on Smollett’s staged attack because that “distracts” from the “truth” that “hate crimes are on the rise in America.”

Harris’s statement said:

Like most of you, I’ve seen the reports about Jussie Smollett, and I’m sad, frustrated, and disappointed. When anyone makes false claims to police, it not only diverts resources away from serious investigations but it makes it more difficult for other victims of crime to come forward. At the same time, we must speak the truth: hate crimes are on the rise in America. Just last year, the FBI released statistics that revealed a 17 percent increase in the number of hate crimes in America. Part of the tragedy of this situation is that it distracts from that truth, and has been seized by some who would like to dismiss and downplay the very real problems that we must address. We should not allow that. I will always condemn racism and homophobia. We must always confront hate directly, and we must always seek justice. That is what I will keep fighting for.

She shared the statement on Facebook and Twitter:

Perhaps hate crimes are increasing because congress is passing laws (based off lies) to expand what constitutes a “hate crime”?

Could it be possible that the utter hysteria fake hate crimes like these have created are causing prosecutors to be more aggressive in charging people with hate crimes?

There’s many possible explanations beyond “white people bad.”

Incidentally, you’ll never guess who hate crimes are rising the fastest against!

Might it be that all the racial animus drummed up by the fake news media and politicians like Harris is having real world consequences?

Alex Jones RETURNS in-studio to join Owen Shroyer and go over the latest updates and insider info on the “Jussie Smollett hoax”!

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