William Norman Grigg
LRC Blog
December 20, 2010
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
- {openx:49}
“What are you doing here?” Paul asked the armed stranger who had materialized outside his workplace.
“Just keeping you safe,” replied the interloper, who had invaded the property without invitation or explanation.
The visitor was clad in what Paul described as a SWAT-style dark blue jumpsuit, mirrored sunglasses, and a baseball cap. He had arrived in a white SUV equipped with running lights and displaying police markings advertising that it belonged to the Department of Homeland Security.
Paul (who asked that his last name not be used) was the only employee who saw something amiss as the Homeland Security officer busied himself peering into windows and doorways and making notes on a clipboard.
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Understandably annoyed by the functionary’s unwarranted intrusion and patronizing reply to his question, Paul continued to demand an explanation. The visitor persisted in his Oracle at Delphi routine, offering cryptic, dismissive responses to Paul’s questions.
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