Esteemed podcaster Joe Rogan weighed in on the bizarre death of Jeffrey Epstein Monday, claiming the billionaire pedophile with high-level connections was murdered in prison.

Discussing the viral conspiracy theories swirling around the mysterious death, Rogan agreed with guest UFC fighter Israel Adesanya that Epstein most likely didn’t kill himself and highlighted his close ties to the Clintons.

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“Look man, that guy, Bill Clinton flew with that guy 26 confirmed times – 26. It might be 28, but 26 confirmed times,” Rogan said. “I read that I’m like, ‘Bro I ain’t even flown with my mother 26 times. How’s this guy fly with Bill…?’ Bill Clinton flew with a pedophile 26 times over the period of like just a couple of years.”

Rogan went on to call out a medical examiner’s report that claimed injuries Epstein suffered in his neck were inconsistent with suicide, as they reviewed a meme about “how to defend against suicide.”

“Yeah they snapped that guy’s fuckin’ neck man. They said his neck was fractured.”

“How do you do that from hanging yourself?” questioned Adesanya.

“You can’t,” Rogan answered.

The prolific podcaster also touched on Project Veritas’ bombshell leak last week, which showed ABC News quashed a major story about Epstein victim Virginia Roberts, and called Hillary Clinton a “cruel, heartless” person for her reaction to Trevor Noah’s facetious question asking how she had Epstein murdered.

“Here’s what’s crazy, [Hillary] knew that guy. And that guy was most likely murdered in jail and she was laughing about it,” Rogan said.

“It’s like, imagine if you knew someone and your husband was flying around with that guy. And this is like someone you know, you gotta know pretty well, like you’ve hung out with him at cocktail parties, like you know, maybe you’ve known him for years, and then that guy gets murdered, and then somebody asks you, ‘How’d you murder him?’ and you start laughing.”

“Like, you gotta be a cruel, heartless person to think that’s funny. That’s weird.”

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