UK Daily Mail
Dec 14, 2010

A diplomatic row between the U.S. and India has deepened after it emerged that a second dignitary was subjected to an invasive security search at a U.S. airport.

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India’s UN envoy Hardeep Puri was detained for more than 30 minutes in a holding room at Houston Airport, Texas, after refusing to remove his turban. The Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna today said: ‘We have taken it up with the U.S. authorities and the matter is at that stage.’

Sikh men are expected to keep their heads covered in public at all times and turbans are only to be removed in the most intimate of circumstances, or when washing. It is even forbidden to touch the head dress in public as it symbolises self-respect, honour, and piety.

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India has reportedly lodged an official protest through its Consulate General in Huston with the U.S. authorities.

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