Not a lick of difference beyond tie color nuance between Democrats and Republicans on foreign policy

Kurt Nimmo
May 17, 2014

The GOP is getting up to speed ahead of the 2016 dog and pony show. It has deployed America Rising, the super PAC launched by Mitt Romney operative Matt Rhoades, to take on Hillary Clinton, the only viable Democrat candidate. Tim Miller and Joe Pounder, two RNC media strategists, help Rhoades get the message out.

“Last week the Daily Beast reported that Hillary Clinton’s State Department ignored pleas by the US Justice Department, FBI, CIA and numerous lawmakers to designate Boko Haram as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Since then, Hillary has been silent, as questions mounted,” America Rising said earlier this week.

Mitt Romney, now on par with Bob Dole and other sidelined former selectees, believes Americans “would like to hear” from Clinton on the Boko Haram.

Most Americans, of course, could give a whit less about Boko Haram. Most are at best vaguely aware of the African terrorist group. Most are preoccupied with worries about losing their jobs as the elite Mitt represents blow out the underpinnings of the economy.

Marco Rubio, the onetime golden boy of a refashioned tea party movement, says Obama and Clinton are flub ups and have weakened the esteemed foreign policy of the United States by ignoring the Boko Haram threat and by failing to officially classify it as a terrorist group. Rubio has his eye on the White House, so anything he says about his potential rival is news worth reporting, or so the establishment media would have us believe.

The State Department said it didn’t jump on the terror designation immediately because of Nigeria’s attitude. “The government of Nigeria feared that designating these individuals and the organizations would bring them more attention, more publicity and be counter productive,” said Robert Jackson, the deputy assistant secretary for African affairs, told CNN. Counter productive as in the headache of drone strikes and other covert military activities, as Yemen and Pakistan know a thing or two about.

Clinton is no longer in government or has she officially declared her candidacy. But this will not prevent the supposed right side of the one party system from attacking the ostensible left side. The ill-conceived Twitter hashtag campaign launched by FLOTUS Michelle has backfired stupendously. Not only has the Obama administration graciously provided the right side the chance to gain mileage in the race to the finish line, it has also kicked off a robust blogosphere campaign using Ms. O’s image holding aloft a placard and hashtag as a prop in an admirable effort to center attention on Obama’s illegal and immoral drone war.

The silly joke behind Rising America is that there’s not a lick of difference beyond tie color nuance between Democrats and Republicans on foreign policy (or, for that matter, much of anything else). Boko Haram is not high on the list of priorities, 200 school girls not withstanding. The kidnapping and lurid media coverage play well for the Africa agenda – reasserting full spectrum dominance more than 70 years after the fall of colonial empire on the continent and, of primary importance, undercutting China’s move to control plentiful resources there. Meanwhile, Africom churns ahead behind the scenes and headlines.

President Jeb or whomever the Republicans elevate to read the teleprompter will not deal substantially different on Africa. Boko Haram is a roadside attraction soon distant in the rearview mirror. Come November, 2016, it will be almost completely forgotten.

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