June 16, 2009

Obama’s Bilderberg Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wants to make it easy for kids to get their toxin-laden “swine flu” vaccine this fall.

Sebelius appears to be kicking off Obama’s potentially obligatory vaccination program by targeting the children of America. It remains to be seen if the vaccinations will be “required” as MSNBC reported.

“Schoolchildren may be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall — and might even be able to get the shot right at school,” reports the Associated Press. “Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told The Associated Press she is taking that possible scenario to school superintendents, urging them to start planning now in case the government needs their buildings as part of a mass vaccination campaign.”

“No decision has been made yet on whether and how to vaccinate millions of Americans against the new flu strain that’s circulating the globe. But because younger people so far seem most susceptible to this new flu, Sebelius says school-age children could be among the first groups targeted for the shots.”

In late April, according to sources close to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, it was revealed that the so-called swine flu or H1N1 is a genetically-manufactured bio weapon. “A top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission ‘vectors’ that suggest that the new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon.”

Alex Jones covered the H1N1 hysteria in late April. See the entire special broadcast on the Alex Jones Channel.

The World Health Organization has elevated the relatively minor — when compared to the normal flu season — H1N1 outbreak to level 6 global pandemic status.

On May 31, Infowars reported on France’s plan to mandate mandatory flu vaccinations. “France is preparing a battle plan without precedent for this autumn, including an obligatory vaccination campaign for all French of more than 3 months of age,” Le Journal du Dimanche reported.

Last month the corporate media reported on an Obama administration fall vaccination campaign. In the above MSNBC clip, anchor Meredith Vieira of the “Today Show” declares the vaccinations — consisting of three shots — will be “required.”

Sebelius appears to be kicking off Obama’s potentially obligatory vaccination program by targeting the children of America. It remains to be seen if the vaccinations will be “required” as MSNBC reported.

As the Associated Press notes, no “decision has been made yet on whether and how to vaccinate millions of Americans” or if those vaccination will be conducted at gunpoint.

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