Yahoo! News
April 16, 2010

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Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging attendees to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry over the apparent profiteering that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network’s headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity’s guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama’s governing philosophy as “anti-American.” )

Promoters of the Cincinnati event had pegged Hannity as its headliner, according to Matea Gold in the Los Angeles Times. The rally also featured other prominent conservatives and was expected to draw up to 13,000 people. Participants were to be charged a minimum of $5, with seats closer to the stage going for $20.

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