Lone Star Watchdog
September 30, 2011

I am glad I have a waiver for my two children not to receive any vaccines to enroll in school. When I hear the CDC is now calling homes to interrogate parents about children getting vaccines tell me this administration plans on getting into our lives as much as possible. I would not surprise me if government mandated ladies wipe their behinds back to front know it is not very sanitary to do so. We have to start pushing back with peaceful non violent ways.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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When it come to the safety of my children, I have to dig my heels in and say no. I will not have no nurse or Doctor knocking on my door with a social worker. The Supreme court has ruled time and time again that the right of parents are fundamental rights. The Obama Administration with the enforcement arm for big pharmaceutical companies wan to usurp those right that are God given. If the CDC calls and tries to get information out of me. I do not care if call is recorded for quality purposes. Before I hang out the phone and tell me to kiss me where the sun don’t shine.

I will tell them about the men in prison for shaken baby syndrome because the infant received a shot and went into seizures. Instead of putting blame were it should be with these vaccine manufactures. The put innocent people behind bars to save face. What about the vaccines linked to autism. The school now have a nice size classroom of autistic children. Back 30 years ago children with learning disabilities in a public school was less than a handful. Now if is an epidemic. I know what vaccines done to people taking the H1N1 and those young girls taking gardisil to prevent cervical cancer. As far as vaccines are concerned. The cure is worse than the disease itself. If you do decide to answer and talk to them. Be ready to show the facts to them doing a reverse interrogation on them asking if they know the real truth about vaccines. Expose the truth to them.

If a CDC agent calls you, Hang up the phone like we would treat a bill collector trying to collect on compound interest. As far as bill collector, the CDC or even a telemarketer. I just do not answer the phone ever. They are not worth out time. The fifth amendment does give us the right not to talk to them or disclose any information to them. Remember we have to flex our rights. We either sue them or lose them. If we do not stand up now to this administration, then they will be asking for our shot records soon too.

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