July 9, 2009

On July 2, Obama’s Office of the Press Secretary posted a press release on the White House website. It announced “an all-day H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit… to further prepare this nation for the possibility of a more severe outbreak of H1N1 flu.” The announced summit is to be held today at the Natcher Conference Center at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, and Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan are hosting the summit.

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DHS’ Napolitano said the “federal government remains vigilant and well coordinated with state, local, and international partners as we prepare for all possibilities as to how the H1N1 flu virus may impact us this fall.”

“Scientists and public health experts forecast that the impact of H1N1 may well worsen in the fall – when the regular flu season hits, or even earlier, when schools start to open – which is only five or six weeks away in some cases,” Sebelius is quoted in the press release. “The goal of the Summit is to launch a national influenza campaign by bringing federal, state and local officials, emergency managers, educators and others together with the nation’s public health experts to build on and tailor states’ existing pandemic plans, share lessons learned and best practices during the spring and summer H1N1 wave, and discuss preparedness priorities.”

DHS’ Napolitano said the “federal government remains vigilant and well coordinated with state, local, and international partners as we prepare for all possibilities as to how the H1N1 flu virus may impact us this fall.”

In other words, rest assured, an engineered pandemic is on for this fall.

Is it possible HHS, DHS, and other agencies are not only discussing plans for martial law lock-down — politely called quarantine — in Bethesda, but also the logistics of a mandatory vaccination program?

The CDC is already working with state governments and health agencies on how best to administer a toxic vaccine through clinics. The CDC estimates that at least 50 million vaccine doses will be available in the U.S. by October 15 and enough experimental and untested vaccine to “immunize” (that is, comprise immune systems) everyone in the country will be available later in the season.

On June 26, William Schaffner, an influenza “expert” at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, said that “public health departments are under-funded and will get fatigued” and the multiple immunizations “required” (according to the government) may overwhelm U.S. state agencies.

That’s where the CDC, DHS and the Pentagon come into the picture. After the pandemic is hyped sufficiently by the corporate media, the stage will be set to lock-down cities and administer soft kill vaccinations at gunpoint.


Posted on the USA Today site this afternoon:

School-age children, pregnant women and health-care workers may be in line for swine flu vaccinations this fall, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told state health officials Thursday at an H1N1 Preparedness Summit in Bethesda, Md.

She said the government will make a decision about whether to provide the shots once they see results of studies on the new vaccine.

President Obama, who called in to the summit from Italy where he is attending the Group of 8 summit, said the government must do all it can to prepare for a renewed outbreak of the flu this fall.

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