David Rose
Times Online
November 17, 2008

Gordon Brown has refused to rule out a change in the law that may see everyone considered as a potential organ donor, despite the recommendations of his advisers today.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The opt-out system of organ donation should not be introduced as it could undermine patients’ confidence in medical care, the UK Organ Donation Taskforce said.

The system of “presumed consent”, as used in Spain and other countries, was unlikely to boost donation rates, as The Times revealed on Friday.

A £4.5 million public awareness campaign in England will start next year with the aim of boosting the number of people on the voluntary organ donation register.

But the Government said that if measures to improve the current system did not work within five years, a law change in the law may follow.

However, Mr Brown is understood to favour a system of “soft” presumed consent, where relatives would be able to object and stop organs being harvested if they found the idea too painful.

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