Comment: As we have seen in Germany and other European countries, “hate” is being re-defined as completely legitimate criticism of government policies like mass immigration.
The excuse of stopping “extremism” is merely a ruse by which governments will censor any content that challenges their immigration policy, which ironically has allowed actual extremists to slip into the west.
Google was accused last night of profiting from hatred.
In a devastating attack, MPs said the technology firm had totally failed to control offensive online content.
Its bosses were charged with breaking promises – made just days ago – to ensure neither the firm, nor extremists, cashed in on vile propaganda.
The Commons home affairs committee said it was astonishing that the second richest company on the planet had failed to take even the simplest steps to root out abuse.
The £482billion American firm suffered a further blow yesterday when ministers suspended all government advertising on its YouTube video-sharing platform.
The Cabinet Office said the ban would be lifted only when Google could all but guarantee public money would not fund hate-fuelled content.
Officials learnt that adverts for public bodies such as UK Aid and the Metropolitan Police had been running alongside YouTube videos containing extremist material.
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