Establishment gets desperate as Paul surges into lead in Iowa
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 19, 2011
With the establishment terrified of Ron Paul’s snowballing success as he heads to the Iowa primary leading the Republican race, an onslaught of already debunked, agenda-driven, and desperate hit pieces have re-emerged.

Prime amongst them is an attempt to re-hash the ludicrous assertion that Ron Paul wrote racist newsletters in the early 1990’s when the material was clearly produced by other authors without Ron Paul knowing its content.
This is by no means a new story, it’s a debunked smear from four years ago that has been regurgitated by the same author, in unison with other neo-con hit pieces, right as Paul’s campaign peaks and polls show him leading in Iowa.
The re-hashed smear, entitled The Company Ron Paul Keeps – Meet Alex Jones, is written by The Weekly Standard’s James Kirchick, a man described by TIME Magazine’s Joe Klein as a “dishonest prick” and a “propagandist,” who “has opinions but no facts or experience”.
Kirchick is a proud neo-con who serves as a fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, an influential neo-conservative collective funded by numerous noted billionaires. The group’s list of “distinguished advisors” includes former CIA and FBI heads. The group is virtually a lobbying front for the state of Israel, which explains perfectly why Kirchick is so upset with Paul, who has promised to put a stop to the billions in foreign aid the United States sends to Israel every year.
Sitting on the group’s Leadership Council is none other than Newt Gingrich, one of Ron Paul’s main rivals in the Republican primary. Given that association, it’s unsurprising that Kirchick has chosen to dredge up his debunked smear at this key time in the election cycle, with Gingrich’s campaign now imploding and Ron Paul’s popularity surging.
Gingrich himself has more skeletons in the closet than a halloween costume shop, but that doesn’t stop Kirchick from playing the race card yet again in a transparent ploy to throw dirt at Ron Paul.
Kirchick dusts off his two decade old newsletters once more to allege that the racist comments were all written by Ron Paul or at least with his “endorsement”. This is akin to claiming that everything which appears on is written or endorsed by Alex Jones, or that every link which appears on is the opinion of Matt Drudge himself.
Newsletters were the Internet of the early 1990’s. Dozens of newsletters with Ron Paul’s name in the title were published and thousands of articles were written by all manner of writers coming from all manner of different viewpoints, some legitimate, some not. To blame Ron Paul for the content of those newsletters is like blaming Free Republic for what its users post on its website. It’s guilt by association – the cheapest of dirty tricks.
Kirchick’s central claim is that Paul attacked Martin Luther King as a violent philanderer who “seduced underage girls and boys,” and that he criticized Ronald Reagan for signing legislation creating the federal holiday in his name, which Paul labeled “hate whitey day,” according to Kirchick.
In reality, Paul has noted King as one of his heroes on many occasions. Indeed, the only time that the Congressman has ever voted for something that is not explicitly authorized in the Constitution, it was for America to recognize Martin Luther King day as a public holiday.
The fact that, as Politifact documents, “in the late 1970s and early 1980s, (Paul) voted….to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday on the third Monday in January,” before any of the newsletters Kirchick cites were published, proves that the newsletters were written by other people and did not represent the views of Paul himself.
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Indeed, the very publishers of many of the newsletters that Kirchick alludes to in his hit piece publicly admitted back in 2007 that Ron Paul had no influence over their content.
“Ron Paul didn’t know about those comments, or know they were written under his name until much later when they were brought to his attention. There were several issues that went out with comments that he would not ordinarily make. He was angry when he saw them,” said one publisher.
Just like leftists used hoax racist signs from their own rallies to discredit the Tea Party, Kirchick hand picks controversial comments that Ron Paul had no knowledge were being made in his name and attaches them to Paul’s campaign.
Kirchick reels off a handful of other outlandish claims and disingenuously implies Paul wrote them. Other supposedly “racist” writings are actually legitimate criticism of the state of Israel, including the manifestly provable fact that Mossad has operatives in countries around the world. Indeed, Mossad’s largest department is dedicated to conducting espionage overseas.
Notably absent from Kirchick’s regurgitation are accusations that were soundly debunked from the first incarnation of his hit piece. As we reported back in 2008, Kirchick referred to “the farcical “Stormfront Donation” saga which forced the New York Times to issue a retraction…admitting to several errors in a post it published which carried assertions that Ron Paul meets regularly with white supremacist groups.”
Following the first round of the smear in 2008, Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder publicly backed Ron Paul, saying he had known him for 20 years and that Paul was being attacked because he was a threat to the establishment.
The only people who seem to be upset at Ron Paul over racism are white, well to do, establishment Republican political operatives and journalists who are involved in lobbying groups with Newt Gingrich. Isn’t that interesting?
It’s also fascinating to note that Kirchick let slip in an email about the newsletters to Berin M. Szoka that he wrote the hit piece on Ron Paul not out of any moral outrage at Paul’s alleged “racism” but because he is “cynical” and enjoys “getting supporters of political candidates riled up”.
“That Jamie Kirchick was a self-aggrandizing pseudo-journalist with a personal agenda to gain attention cannot be denied. Nor can it be denied that the pseudo-journalists making issue of these newsletters in 2012 are just as irresponsible and intellectually dishonest as Kirchick was in 2008,” writes Brett MacDonald.
Kirchick then throws in the name of Alex Jones seemingly out of leftfield. I can only surmise that this is an attempt to get traffic or attract attention. Kirchick’s tone seems to be a whining lament about how the first incarnation of his smear didn’t get enough play the first time around.
Again he resorts to guilt by association, upset at the fact that Ron Paul has appeared on Alex Jones’ show.
Kirchick treats Jones’ assertion (and Ron Paul’s agreement) that NORTHCOM is involved in a military takeover of the country as a “conspiracy theory,” even as the U.S. Senate passes a bill that would allow the military to kidnap and intern Americans in detention camps without trial, and even as the Washington Post reports how Northcom has dispatched 20,000 troops to aid in “domestic security” inside the United States.
Kirchick then cites Jones’ Endgame documentary and alleges that Jones claims there is a “secret plot of George Pataki, David Rockefeller, and Queen Beatrix, among other luminaries, to exterminate humanity and transform themselves into “superhuman” computer hybrids able to “travel throughout the cosmos.”
As anyone who has actually bothered to watch the documentary will know, the “secret plot” which Kirchick is seemingly afraid to mention is called the Bilderberg Group. It’s no secret, the group meets every year to further their agenda for global government (the mere mention of the Bilderberg Group was described as an “out there conspiracy theory” by Kirchick back in 2008). The elite’s desire for superhuman status is no conspiracy theory dreamed up by Jones either, it’s one that’s openly romanticized by the super-rich and elite technology gurus like Ray Kurzweil.
You’d think that Kirchick and his ilk would have learned their lesson by now. Even back in 2008, the racist smear was quickly swiped aside by the Paul campaign, but the attack dogs returned in 2010, this time going after Rand Paul in an effort to prevent him becoming Kentucky Senator. But ridiculous tales about the ‘Aqua Buddha’ and allegations of Rand Paul kidnapping women were quickly proven to be no more than grossly exaggerated college pranks from 30 years previously. Paul won by a landslide.
Recycling debunked and tired old garbage about Ron Paul being “racist” when he is the only Republican candidate not to advocate killing more brown people in broken-backed third world countries to “protect America” just isn’t going to work.
As one respondent wrote in response to Kirchick’s hit piece back in 2008 (it applies more than ever today), “That’s the problem Ron Paul presents to those trying to smear him, you have to go back 20 years and try to twist somebody else’s words to try to make him look bad. With all the other candidates you can just look at what they themselves have actually been doing in the recent past and even the present.”
Indeed, the neo-con establishment peanut gallery on which Kirchick is proudly perched is now so discredited that top-down attacks on Ron Paul will only aid him in cultivating his substantive image as the only genuine alternative to the Washington establishment that has corrupted and bankrupted America.
RELATED: Vicious Ron Paul Hit Piece Scrapes The Barrel Of Yellow Journalism (our original rebuttal to Kirchick’s smear attack from 2008).
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
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