Patrick Henry
March 5, 2010

(All quotes are form the Fox News propaganda article cited below.)

The above headline reveals the actual talking point being circulated around the country.

scott brown
Bedell reportedly died due to multiple gun shot wounds so he won’t be available to be held as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life.

(,2933,588074,00.html) The alleged shooter at the Pentagon, John Patrick Bedell, mysteriously fired at “point blank range” yet only grazed two Pentagon police men. Bedell reportedly died due to multiple gun shot wounds so he won’t be available to be held as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life.

What does the corporate/government controlled news media want all of us to learn from this attack?

1.) This is probably terrorism, not merely attempted homicide. “John Patrick Bedell, 36, of Hollister, Calif., was identified as the shooter. Officials said they’d found no immediate connection to terrorism but had not ruled it out.”

2.) Questioning the events of the largest terrorist attack in US history on 9/11/01 leads to violence. “Signs emerged that Bedell harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces, and had questioned the circumstances behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.”

3.) Both questioning the events of 911 and the illegal wars in the Mid East are a clear sign of a tendency toward violence. Bedell allegedly “harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces”.

4.) Questioning highly suspicious suicides of those critical of the government is a sign of a tendency toward violence. “In an Internet posting, a user by the name JPatrickBedell wrote that he was ‘determined to see that justice is served’ in the death of Marine Col. James Sabow, who was found dead in the backyard of his California home in 1991. The death was ruled a suicide but the case has long been the source of theories of a cover up. The user named JPatrickBedell wrote the Sabow case was “a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions.”

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5.) Use of the INTERNET to post thoughts critical of the government indicate a predisposition toward violence. Note the fabricated headline, “Pentagon Shooter Railed Against U.S. on Internet.”

6.) Opposing the “War on Drugs” is yet another sign of a tendency toward violence. “That same posting railed against the government’s enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author’s 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting.”

7.) The facts don’t really matter as long as a bogus association is established between 911 Truth/the War on Drugs/internet postings and hand gun violence. Fox reported that Bedell made a number of internet postings without revealing the specific internet sites. However we also learn that, “A law enforcement official told Fox News that the FBI is aware of the postings and video posted online from a person with Bedell’s name. The FBI is working to confirm who actually posted the messages and videos.” So Fox is certain of Bedell’s internet activities before the FBI is willing to express this as the case. Remember the headline is, ““Pentagon Shooter Railed Against U.S. on Internet.” As opposed to “Pentagon Shooter may have Railed Against U.S. on Internet.” Of course astute readers will recognize that even if the alleged shooter did rail against the government on the internet it’s ludicrous to even suggest that anyone who engages in government criticism on the internet is prone to violence. For example, Bedell probably always paid his income taxes so would this establish a connection between those who pay their income taxes with illegal hand gun violence?

8.) There is some connection, mystical or otherwise, between: Bedell’s shooting, the attack on the Austin IRS building by a pilot, the attacks at Foot Hood and an attack at a courthouse in Las Vegas.

9.) In particular I need to stress that the official talking points are desperately attempting to concoct an association between 911 Truth and the Ft. Hood attacks which are being portrayed as the work of a “a U.S. Army psychiatrist with radical Islamic leanings”. Do not lose cite of the force of this imaginary association between 911 Truth and radical Islam.

10.) This Pentagon attack that resulted in 2 policemen being grazed by bullets was so monumental and downright terrifying that “President Barack Obama was getting FBI updates on the Pentagon shooting through his homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said.” The magnitude of this colossal act of what may eventually be sold as domestic terrorism also resulted in the shut down of all but one entrance to the Pentagon. “Transit officials said the [subway] station would remain closed at least part of the day Friday while the FBI continued its investigation.”

Perhaps a Congressional investigation will be launched to answer the pressing question, “How did someone shoot 2 Pentagon policemen who were subsequently grazed by bullets?” Can you feel the artificial outrage?

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