Fluoride Free Austin
May 12, 2010

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • {openx:49}

Two members of Fluoride Free Austin will speak at City Hall during Citizens’ Communication – this Thursday, May 13th – noon sharp!

Many have shared with City Council, current scientific evidence of health dangers from adding fluoride waste to Our water. We have raised concerns about budget costs, as well the untold cost to human and animal health.

But Austin City Council has failed to respond to our concerns and requests for the truth about added fluoride waste to Our water. One council member has stated privately that he would like to take action if only convinced that the anti-fluoridation movement has massive support.

So now’s your time Austin citizens…. show up at City Hall this Thursday around 11:45 free garage parking on Lavaca St. And please email City Hall by clicking on the “Take Action” tab at www.fluoridefreeaustin.com. Help us Help Y’All…

www.fluoridefreeaustin.com (read front page for background)

I’m not aware of any videos about what’s in Dillo Dirt. We do, however, have a photo of the dual English/Spanish label (attached). Note that the Spanish language version warns explicitly against using it for vegetables… the English version does not.

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