J. D. Heyes
Natural News
Nov 16, 2012

As more and more Americans log onto the White House website and sign the electronic petitions seeking to allow their state to secede from the nation, other citizen movements are afoot to empower the people in this time of growing unrest.

One such movement, sponsored by InfoWars.com, is called the “National Opt-Out and Film Campaign,” and it seeks to give “thanks for the First Amendment, by getting back in the faces of those who are attempting to abuse their authority to silence free speech and in turn conceal flagrant abuses of our rights and our basic dignity.”

According to a flier produced by the website, the focus of the Opt-Out effort – which is scheduled for Nov. 19-26 – is to make the conscious decision to decline to pass through the TSA’s invasive backscatter x-ray machines at airports that use them, as well as taking video of TSA employees at work.

Stand up for your freedom – Opt out!

Why opt-out? Says the flier:

— Because the backscatter body scanners have been associated with an increased risk of cancer and millimeter wave body scanners are potentially damaging to cellular DNA.

— Because the TSA has implemented other invasive procedures which serve to facilitate obedience rather than enhance security.

Why film? Again, from the flier:

— Filming TSA agents holds them accountable and is a way to protect human rights.

— Because the TSA has repeatedly abused its power and violated travelers’ rights by touching their private parts.


Though constitutional rights are important every day, InfoWars said it is “picking one week in particular as part of a grass roots outreach that we hope will contribute towards putting an end to what has come to represent the face of big government tyranny.”

Previous Opt-Out weeks sponsored by the site have been successful.

“In November 2010, the national opt out day was a huge success that generated massive media attention. The TSA was forced to mothball most of its radiation-firing body scanners for that one day in a desperate attempt to avoid embarrassment – a political act that proved the naked scanners had nothing whatsoever to do with genuine security concerns,” writes Paul Joseph Watson.

The agency has since adopted a policy that allows travelers to opt-out of walking through the invasive backscatter machine, only to be humiliated by an equally invasive, grope-filled pat down.

“Now it has been confirmed that the TSA punishes people who opt out of the scanners by subjecting them to more invasive grope downs, it’s time to re-assert our dignity, and we’re going to do it using the First Amendment,” Watson wrote.

If you accept this level of intrusion…

The TSA’s own website says it’s not illegal to film or videotape agents or checkpoints, so long as it does not interfere with the security process

That said, the site also carries this ominous warning:

Taking photographs may … prompt airport police or a TSA official to ask what your purpose is. It is recommended that you use the Talk To TSA program on tsa.gov to contact the Customer Support Manager at the airport to determine its specific policy.

The message? Take all the pictures and video you want, but we’re likely going to hassle you if you do, and quite possibly even threaten you if they determine you’ve got an attitude about being harassed for, well, doing something the agency says you can do.

InfoWars.com says it has re-launched its campaign as a way to preserve some modicum of liberty.

“The TSA’s policy on ‘enhanced pat downs’ now includes literally touching and groping people’s genitals as part of the procedure – a policy top rape counselors have warned is triggering post-traumatic stress disorder in rape victims,” the site says.

“If Americans can be trained to put up with this level of intrusion, they will accept anything.”

We agree.






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