Adan Salazar
October 31, 2012
[Editor’s note: See update at bottom of article.]
A political action committee called the Special Operations Speaks sought to capitalize on allegations that the White House issued orders to “stand down” when U.S. Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stephens placed multiple requests for military back-up by creating a meme they shared on Facebook.

Within 24 hours, their image had garnered 30,000 shares and more than 23,000 likes, but it had also called to it the attention of Facebook who placed a temporary suspension on the SOS account due to an alleged violation of the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
Larry Ward, the president of Political Media, the company that handles SOS’s social media posts, and the person who personally posted the controversial image, told Breitbart he put the post back up once Facebook warned him to take it down: “On Sunday, I went into the SOS Facebook page to post something else and found a warning from Facebook that we had violated Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities with our meme. So I copied the warning, put it on the meme as as caption, and re-posted the meme to the Facebook page.”
Recently, Facebook has been particularly mindful of images painting Obama in a bad light.
We recently reported on Infowars’ own experience with Facebook when this week they flagged an image of Osama Bin Laden with the words “Al-CIA-da” stamped on it and also threatened to close down the account if we didn’t remove other questionable images.
“Since the image is not copyrighted, according to Facebook’s terms of agreement one can only assume that it was removed because it represented an example of “hate speech,” yet the picture was merely a commentary on the admitted fact that Osama Bin Laden was aided by the CIA during the cold war and that Al-Qaeda terrorists are now being supported by the Central Intelligence Agency in Syria and Libya,” Paul Watson explained.
Facebook’s targeting of these types of posts is puzzling given it’s not held such a pristine status in the past.
In May, it was revealed that Facebook was openly being used by pedophiles to trade perverse images of young children engaged in sexual acts. A four-part exposé by WND’s Chelsea Schilling revealed the DOJ knew about the illegal activity, but could do nothing. Patrick Trueman, former chief of the Child Exploitation and Oscenity Section of the DOJ, told Schilling that “…the Justice Department pursues only cases involving bestiality and gross deviancy…This strategy has never worked in any other law enforcement context, and the attorney general knows this. This strategy has allowed the entire spectrum of illegal pornography so that now there are so many child pornography cases that they cannot all be prosecuted.”
Apparently, Facebook believes it’s more important to police harmless political posts than posts endangering the lives and safety of children.
The social network is constantly plagued with images of porn and rumors of illegal data mining and CIA infiltration, and its cooperation with law enforcement agencies could be viewed as a conspiracy theory, were it not for the fact that people have been arrested for political posts.
The debacle in Benghazi has led to multiple allegations of negligence on the part of the White House and a growing public furor being muffled by the run-up to the 2012 elections.
Reports surfacing suggest terror threats in Benghazi were being reported to the White House at least a year in advance, but that requests for security reinforcement went ignored.
According to Right Side News, on September 4 Stephens sent maximum alert warnings to all the Obama Administration agencies. Now there’s the possibility that emails giving specific instructions to “stand down” exist and are slated to be made public within the next few days.
Evidence of White House negligence and involvement in the issuance of the stand down orders could be the undoing of Obama’s campaign. Is Facebook trying in vain to protect the president’s reputation?
Rumors have also begun circulating claiming that Former President Bill Clinton hired an informal legal team to counsel his wife, U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, should she take the fall for the fiasco; however, other alternative media analysts believe Obama’s Benghazi ties could ensure Clinton a 2016 election spot.
[Editor’s note: Since publication of this article, Facebook has issued an apology to the SOS PAC claiming an error and allowing them to repost the image.
One Navy SEAL had this to say regarding Facebook’s takedown of the image: “It looks like Obama’s liberal followers in Facebook HQ are terrified of how damaging the Benghazi scandal is for the President. We understand that Facebook can run their site however they’d like, but when they’re trying to quietly squelch opposition to what is a clear leadership failure that resulted in the tragic deaths of some of our nation’s heroes, they deserve the to be called out on it.”]
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