Facebook, the arbiters of everything in the new world order, has banned a political ad by the Trump campaign because it used a symbol connected with ‘organised hate’. Yet, it turns out that symbol is one used all the time by ANTIFA.

The ad used a red triangle pointing downward, which was picked up on by The Washington Post, which linked it to Nazi-ism:

A red inverted triangle was first used in the 1930s to identify Communists, and was applied as well to Social Democrats, liberals, Freemasons and other members of opposition parties. The badge forced on Jewish political prisoners, by contrast, featured a yellow triangle overlaid by a red triangle.

In response to queries from The Washington Post, Facebook on Thursday afternoon deactivated ads that included the inverted red triangle.

Today, facebook censored Trump. Owen and Tom discuss big tech and Brad Parscale.

Jewish Action charged that “Trump & the RNC are using it to smear millions of protestors.”

The Trump campaign responded, noting that the symbol is an emoji, and is routinely used by ANTIFA, hence the campaign’s use of it in reference to “dangerous mobs of far left groups”

A cursory search confirms that ANTIFA groups use this symbol all the time, as this NBC reporter found out:

So, ironically, Trump’s ad was banned by Facebook because Antifa’s imagery is hateful.

Facebook is coming under increasing scrutiny, with calls for it to be held accountable as a publisher. The company has all manner of secretive ‘woke’ policies that are leading to increased censorship and directly impacting Americans’ right to freedom of speech.

Facebook’s secret ‘diversity board’ is the latest example:

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