U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is investigating the Russiagate conspiracy against President Donald Trump that played out during and after the 2016 election, has in his possession key information pertaining to the set-up of Roger Stone.

Trump adviser Stone was convicted on process crimes during the Robert Mueller investigation but his prison sentence was commuted by the President.

Durham, who is reportedly seeking to interview ex-CIA boss John Brennan as part of his probe, has a lot of material at his disposal.

Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo provided to the Durham team a dossier, first reported by NATIONAL FILE, that has some bombshell information in it, including the fact that a Russian who tried to set up Stone during the campaign was a longtime informant for Robert Mueller’s FBI.

An OAN reporter points out Obama administration corruption and President Trump agrees.

That dossier, and other relevant information about the Stone set-up, could inform the highly anticipated result of Durham’s investigation.

NATIONAL FILE has been covering the set-up of Roger Stone…

Rigged Jury

A juror in the Stone case named Tomeka Hart has a Twitter history disparaging Trump, and retweeting anti-Stone commentary after Stone’s arrest, including sharing articles about the Roger Stone case, according to a masterful thread by MAGA researcher Shem Horne.

Tomeka Hart, foreperson of the Roger Stone trial jury, clearly lied during the jury selection process to obscure her own political activism and obvious bias in the Stone case.

Tomeka Hart, former congressional candidate and member of the Memphis school board, has recently worked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. She tweeted anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton material while the Stone trial was in progress, and she also previously re-tweeted a hateful comment about Stone from CNN’s Bakari Sellers, which referred to Stone’s arrest. (READ: Court Transcripts Show Russian Set-Up Agent Who Met With Stone Was A Mueller FBI Informant).

Tomeka Hart lied to get selected to the Stone jury.

“So nothing that I can recall specifically. I do watch sometimes paying attention and sometimes in the background CNN. So I recall just hearing about him being part of the campaign and some belief and reporting around interaction with the Russian probe and interaction with him and people in the country, but I don’t have a whole lot of details. I don’t pay that close attention or watch C-Span,” said Tomeka Hart, identified by her life details matching a juror who was interviewed, according to a transcript of the jury selection process.

But Tomeka Hart does watch C-Span. She said so herself on Twitter.


Tomeka Hart, who has been photographed with former DNC acting chairwoman Donna Brazile, is a political activist.

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2012: “An Arkansas jury found Erickson Dimas-Martinez guilty of murder in March 2010. This past December, the conviction was thrown out. The reason: A juror had been tweeting during the trial. This case and others across the country show how the use of social media is disrupting the jury trial. While juror misbehavior is nothing new, social media have made it extremely easy—and tempting—to break the rules, and lawyers are increasingly using that as a reason for appeals, legal experts say.”…

Russian Set-Up Agent

Now, court documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE (presented below) show that a Russian national who used the fake name “Henry Greenberg” when meeting with Roger Stone in 2016 admitted under oath to being a longtime FBI informant. Trump 2016 campaign adviser Michael Caputo has submitted documentation in this article to U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is investigating corruption on the part of federal government agencies during the past presidential election.

For context, NATIONAL FILE will present some background on the Ukrainian named Alexei Rasin and the Russian who identified himself as “Henry Greenberg,” both of whom met with Stone in May 2016 in an attempt to push anti-Hillary Clinton opposition research to Stone. Then, we present below the documents proving that one of these men served as a longtime FBI informant, including during Robert Mueller’s reign as director of the FBI. Mueller served as FBI director from 2001 to 2013 before leading the special counsel investigation into the 2016 Trump team.

I reported in 2019 on Alexei Rasin, who appears in the Mueller special counsel report:

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report claimed that Mueller’s office could not locate Alexei Rasin, the Ukrainian who tried to sell supposed Hillary Clinton opposition research to Roger Stone alongside a Russian using the fake name “Henry Greenberg.”

I located Alexei Rasin and spoke to him by phone. Rasin did not know that he was in the Mueller report. When told that he appeared in the report, Rasin said, “Wow, quite interesting.” He declined to be interviewed or to state whether or not Mueller ever contacted him.

Mueller clearly did not want to get to the bottom of the evidence that Stone was set up. Stone, who is now charged with process crimes in connection to the investigation, is under a gag order regarding his case. If Mueller had concluded that Stone was set up that could definitely change the Roger Stone criminal case.

Rasin met with Stone in May 2016 alongside Rasin’s associate “Henry Greenberg,” whose name is Gennadiy Vasilievich Vostretsov and who also goes by “Henry Oknyansky.” Greenberg/Vostretsov/Oknyansky was identified by Stone’s lawyer as a longtime FBI informant.

Mueller claimed he could not find Rasin during his investigation, even though Rasin has a current condo address in Naples, Florida, a mailbox address in North Miami, and recently appeared pro se in court to file bankruptcy on loans including a loan from the U.S. Department of Education. Rasin’s court date occurred in November 2017 while the Mueller investigation was active.

Mueller clearly did not make much of an effort to contact this mysterious figure who tried to sell Clinton research to Stone. Big League Politics located phone numbers and email addresses associated with this Ukrainian man after just minutes of research.

“Oknyansky was accompanied to the meeting by Alexei Rasin, a Ukrainian associate involved in Florida real estate. At the meeting, Rasin offered to sell Stone derogatory information on Clinton that Rasin claimed to have obtained while working for Clinton. Rasin claimed to possess financial statements demonstrating Clinton’s involvement in money laundering with Rasin’s companies. According to Oknyansky, Stone asked if the amounts in question totaled millions of dollars but was told it was closer to hundreds of thousands. Stone refused the offer, stating that Trump would not pay for opposition research,” the Mueller report states.

“The Office did not locate Rasin in the United States, although the Office confirmed Rasin had been issued a Florida driver’s license. The Office was otherwise unable to determine the content and origin of the information he purportedly offered to Stone. Finally, the investigation did not identify evidence of a connection between the outreach or the meeting and Russian interference efforts,” the Special Counsel writes in the Mueller report.

How could Mueller not locate Rasin?

Court documents show that Rasin was in bankruptcy court in the Southern District of Florida in Fort Lauderdale representing himself (pro se) filing for bankruptcy in November 2017.

2017 docket for Alexei Rasin bankruptcy

Rasin signed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy on October 13, 2017.

Alexei Rasin’s volentary petition for Bankruptcy 2017

“By way of example, as you know, back in June I sent this Committee a letter regarding a longtime FBI informant named Gennadiy Vasilievich Vostretsov who, under the alias “Henry Greenberg”, was sent to approach my client in May 2016 with claims of having access to information that could impact the election,” Stone’s attorney Grant Smith wrote in a letter to Rep. Devin Nunes prior to Stone’s arrest for alleged process crimes during the course of the Robert Mueller investigation.

“Mr. Stone not only immediately and forcefully declined to participate in anything this FBI informant was proposing, but never saw or spoke to the informant again. Mr. Stone believes it highly likely that Mr. Vostretsov/Greenberg’s status as an FBI informant was not “former”, and that Vostretsov/Greenberg was, in fact, actively working on behalf of the FBI at the time of their meeting, acting upon a calculated effort to entrap Mr. Stone and, further, to infiltrate and compromise the Trump effort. Notably, Vostretsov was admitted to the country nine separate times on an FBI Informant’s visa,” Smith writes on Stone’s behalf.

My 2019 article passage ends

Alexei Rasin was joined at that 2016 meeting with Stone by “Henry Greenberg,” a Russian. Greenberg also reached out to Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo offering Clinton opposition research.

NATIONAL FILE has obtained a full Dossier on the real man behind the name “Henry Greenberg,” and his work with the FBI, including the bombshell affidavit. (READ THE FULL DOSSIER HERE).

Here is the August 18, 2015 affidavit, “Declaration of Henry Oknyansky,” submitted in U.S. District Court for Central District of California before Magistrate Judge Hon. Carla Woehrle.

Henry Oknyansky states:

“After almost 2 years in INS custody, in 2000, I decided to leave US voluntarily…More than 8 years, while outside U.S., I provide information to FBI Special Agent David Baker. Wherever I was, from Iran, to North Korea, I always send information to Mr. Baker…In 2009 FBI requested another parole for me, because of very good information I provided.”


“Henry Greenberg” the alias for a white male born June 1, 1959 in Samara, Russia who lives in America illegally and has, for the most part, for three decades. He has also admitted under oath to being a longtime FBI informant, and claims to have worked with the FBI in Iran and North Korea. “Greenberg” has used at least four different names: His birth name is Gennady Vasilievich Vostretsov, the son of Yekatrina Vostretsova and Vasliy Vostretsov. He later adopted new names twice as a result of two different marriages and became Gennady V. Arzhanik and later Henry Oknyansky. Henry Greenberg is not a legal alias, but he uses it quite commonly in recent years. Vostretsov has a criminal record in California and Florida for assault with a deadly weapon, theft, assault, DUI, and domestic violence. He has an extensive criminal record in Russia that includes at least two charges of stealing a total $5 million in two separate cases. There is also some evidence Vostretsov may have ties to Russian organized crime in the US and Russia. He has lived in Texas, California and Florida. His first appearance in United States public records was August 1993 in Studio City, Calif. Vostretsov has had a total of 18 addresses in all three states despite the fact he spent at least two years in immigration detention and stayed out of the US from 2000 to 2010, according to his own admission. He only spent a total 15 years in the US so far. Vostretsov took the last name of Arzhanik in March 1990, after his marriage to Russian actress Elena Anatolievna Arzhanik, according to Russian public records. She starred in the famous Russian movie of that era, City of Zero, as the naked secretary…

In a remarkable 2015 court affidavit (attached), Vostretsov admitted that he is FBI informant who worked for the agency for more than 17 years. He appears to have traded information about criminal activity for temporary visas provided to him by the FBI. We were able to collect 14 different Significant Public Benefit Parole (SPBP) documents allowing him to enter the US. This type of visa waiver is made available to international persons participating in a law enforcement action as an informant. The steady flow of these special waivers, with upgrades like multi-entry status and extensions, indicate his involvement and success in FBI informant projects.

While Vostretsov claimed in the 2015 affidavit he sent to an immigration judge that he stopped working for the FBI that year, it would be safe to assume that if a criminal alien with his immigration background is still in the US today, he is only here with the support from the US government and is still working with the FBI.

Vostretsov’s work with the FBI seems to stem from deportation proceedings against him started in California in 1997 and his presence in the Los Angeles criminal underworld that led to criminal charges. Vostretsov was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon in Los Angeles (see details below) and subsequently convicted in August 1994. He was sentenced to probation. In May 1995, however, his probation was revoked (see below) and he was sentenced to three years in prison. While he was in prison, immigration officials started deportation proceedings. He was released from California state prison and taken into the custody of federal authorities for at least two years. (more below). He voluntarily left the county in 2000, closing his case without the entry of a deportation order – thus, giving himself the possibility to return legally. Vostretsov spent at least ten years abroad, including stints in Moscow, North Korea and Iran. He began his work as an FBI informant during that period. He even identified his FBI handler as Agent David D. Baker, who may be retired at this time. Vostretsov returned to the US in 2010, but his immigration status remains in limbo, swinging from one FBI informant visa waiver to another. Vostretsov spelled out his relationship with the FBI in an affidavit that, while frustrated with the uncertainty and his inability to convince an immigration court to give him a permanent status in the US, he filed on Aug. 19, 2015 in federal court. (see attachment Henry Greenberg INS file) Vostretsov filed the affidavit – under oath – and dozens of pages of supporting evidence that should not have been made public where he admits being an FBI informant. In his affidavit (pages 2-3 of attachment henry INS file), Vostretsov claims the FBI offered to help him obtain an S-5 visa. That visa is reserved for law enforcement informants and witnesses who provide information about criminal organizations.

In his stunning two-page note, Vostretsov says he risked his life to provide information that led to “arrests of criminals for drugs and human trafficking, money laundering and insurance fraud. U.S. Treasury revoked many visas from criminal groups, for money laundering and association with international criminal entities, based on my information.” There is evidence (see below) that Vostretsov provided condemning evidence on top Russian crime syndicate boss Vladislav Leontyev. Further, Vostretsov states “wherever I was, from Iran to North Korea, I always send information to Mr. Baker.” The paperwork attached to the affidavit also shows how FBI agent Baker helped Vostretsov obtain U.S. visas. In 2008, he was able to visit the U.S. twice for 90 days. And again in 2009. In 2010, with Baker’s help, Vostretsov received a temporary work permit for one year. These visas were often later sweetened with multi-entry status, allowing Vostretsov to travel freely abroad. It’s important to note that Diana Tsang, former chief of the Law Enforcement Parole Branch of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, often personally approved Vostretsov’s visa waivers. She was the highest level branch official responsible for granting visas to FBI informants. From the paperwork Vostretsov provided (also attachment henry INS file), he was detained when he arrived into Miami on Oct. 2, 2013. He was released but his arrival launched yet another deportation procedure. He writes in his affidavit Special Agent Baker was getting ready to retire in 2013 and he transferred Vostretsov to his colleagues in Miami. In the document, Vostretsov claims he stopped cooperating with the FBI out of frustration for his lack of immigration status. It also appears FBI agents surrendered Vostretsov to the Department of Homeland Security for deportation. He says a supervisor at DHS released him, and he’s been waiting for his day in court since. What Vostretsov may not have known is that Russian media reported that information provided by the FBI led Russian authorities to Vostretsov when he was arrested for embezzlement in 2002. As far as his continued presence in the US, meanwhile, it appears Vostretsov has been illegally in the US since 2011. His presence, however, has been tolerated because of his work for authorities…

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