Kurt Nimmo
January 17, 2010
On Sunday, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush mounted the corporate media propaganda platform and complained about the politicization of the Haitian relief effort.
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It is an “odd choice” that these two war criminals were picked to dispense aid to Haiti. | |
Clinton said the devastating earthquake offers a chance to put aside politics and help people in despair. “I’d say now is not the time to focus on politics,” said Bush in an interview taped Saturday for CBS’ “Face the Nation” when the ex-presidents’ visited the White House in response to Obama’s call for a “bipartisan effort” to help Haiti.
Clinton and Bush were responding to Rush Limbaugh who said he did not trust the administration to use money donated via the White House website for earthquake victims.
The disaster “reminds us of our common humanity. It reminds us of needs that go beyond fleeting disagreements,” said Clinton.
Fine words coming from one of the world’s foremost war criminals. Not only did Bill Clinton terror bomb to death an untold number of people in Iraq and the former Yugoslavia, he also facilitated death squads in Colombia. He is responsible for bombing a crucial pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan. He helped the United Nations kill 500,000 Iraqi children. Bill Clinton’s favorite targets were the sort of poor people he is now claiming to help in Haiti.
Bush the humanitarian who decries the politicization of the Haiti relief effort killed over a million people in Iraq. His crimes approach those of Hitler and the Nazis. Bush is responsible for Abu Ghraib, the destruction of Fallouja and Ramadi, civilian massacres in Haditha and elsewhere. On his watch, over a million Iraqis were butchered and an undetermined number of Afghan civilians were slaughtered. He began a concerted effort to kill Pakistanis, an effort picked up by Obama.
Like father, like son. George built on the legacy of his father. Bush Senior invaded Iraq in 1991 under false pretense and carried out the destruction of Iraq’s civilian infrastructure, at one time the envy of the Middle East. “One of the most diabolical decisions in the campaign was to destroy Iraq’s water supply, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children long after the war was over,” writes David Model (Lying for Empire: How to Commit War Crimes With A Straight Face).
If you really want to know what’s going on in Haiti, read John Maxwell’s article, No, Mister! You Cannot Share My Pain! The corporate media sheds crocodile tears over Haiti (between bank and big pharma adverts) and tells us about the country’s immeasurable poverty while providing zero background on why Haiti is a hell-hole of misery and destitution.
Credit for this massive suffering can be attributed to the bankers (specifically National City Bank, later Rockefeller’s Citibank). As late as 1915, more than a hundred years after a successful slave revolt against the French colonialists and slave masters, some 80 percent of the Haitian government’s resources were being paid out in debt service to French and American banks on loans that had been made to enable Haiti to pay reparations to France.
The U.S. invaded and occupied Haiti early in the last century. In addition to killing 15,000 Haitians, the U.S. imposed a $16 million loan on the Haitian government to pay off its “debt” (blackmail) to France. “The American loan was finally paid off in 1947. Haiti was left virtually bankrupt, its workforce in desperate straits,” writes Randall Robinson (An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, from Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President). “The Haitian economy has never recovered from the financial havoc France (and America) wreaked upon it, during and after slavery.”
[efoods]In the 1990s, when Haiti attempted to address its staggering poverty, the U.S. sent in 20,000 troops and “peacekeepers” to ensure political continuity and adherence to IMF diktats. The Haitian armed forces were disbanded and the U.S. State Department hired the mercenary company DynCorp (a documented CIA cut-out for covert operations) to provide “technical advice” in restructuring the Haitian National Police.
During this period, Haiti’s GDP declined by 30 percent and the per capita income of the average Haitian fell to $250 per annum, making Haiti the poorest country in the Western hemisphere and among the poorest in the world. A 2000 US Congressional Report estimated Haitian unemployment to be as high as 80 percent, due in large part to the IMF’s “stabilization” and “recovery” programs (see Michel Chossudovsky, The Destabilization of Haiti).
Bush’s call for aid is especially pernicious considering he orchestrated — with the help of the Chirac government in Paris — the violent overthrow and forced exile of Haiti’s president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. “International military forces, including US forces, will be rapidly arriving in Haiti to begin to restore a sense of security,” said U.S. ambassador James Foley in response to violence engineered by the CIA and its death squad clients who invaded the country from the neighboring Dominican Republic.
Bush had Aristide kidnapped by the U.S. military and removed to Africa. In response, Scott McClellan said: “It’s nonsense, and conspiracy theories do nothing to help the Haitian people move forward to a better more free, more prosperous future.”
Once again, like father like son. Bush the Lesser followed in his father’s footsteps. After the people of Haiti rejected a U.S.-supported political candidate and elected Aristide in 1990, Bush the Senior made sure Haiti’s US-trained military deposed him.
Now we have to stomach these two NWO goons parading across our television screens and watch as they paint themselves as saviors. Clinton and Bush are the twin faces of evil and represent the very embodiment of mass murder, starvation, and untold suffering inflicted on the weak and helpless by their masters on Wall Street.
The corporate media characterizes Haiti as a “failed state.” It is a failure thanks to the banksters and their schemes to loot and pillage not only Haiti, but the entire world.
But you won’t hear that on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.
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