Syrian refugee, Daham Al Hasan (47), who has fled to Denmark, has 3 wives and 20 children, and he expects the State to pay for them as he cannot work, according to himself.
And it will cost Denmark a lot. Only in child support it is expected that he will get DKK 214,000 ($32,120) annually.
So far he has received approval to get one of his wives and 17 of his children to Denmark, after he arrived alone. 3 of his children are too old to get approved for (automatic) family reunification.
Daham Al Hasan says that he can not work or learn Danish at the moment because of psychological problems due to missing his children.
Confronted by politician Naser Khader on Ekstra Bladet TV, he said he fled to Denmark and left his family in a war zone because he could not afford to care about them at the moment, but he had received information that he could get them to Denmark (or Sweden, which was the goal) after three months, if they managed to get to Turkey on their own, which obviously turns out to be true.
This case, and the amount of child support that Denmark has to pay, has made the Danish Parliament to rethink the amount of child support the State is willing to pay, and a suggestion for a maximum amount (for four children) is now on the table.
– This case gives rise to that one should look at the rules for child benefits. There have been rules on how much you can receive as a maximum, and we want to look at getting it reintroduced, says integration spokesman Dan Jørgensen (S) to Ekstra Bladet.
– We do not know exactly what the limit should be, but we must look into it during a negotiation. We should not send children into poverty, but when we see extreme cases such as this, it does not work.
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