Desperate to salvage the bid to put a Democrat in the White House, party insiders are looking toward Al Gore, the former Vice President, doyen of the climate change clique and loser to George W. Bush in 2000 despite winning the popular vote.

Hillary Clinton’s problem with an email server squirreled away in a bathroom closet and polls showing she is largely viewed as untrustworthy may ultimately sabotage her campaign and ensure a Republican victory.

On Thursday a senior Democrat told BuzzFeed News some members of the party are “getting the old gang together” to encourage Gore to seek the nomination.

“They’re figuring out if there’s a path financially and politically,” the Democrat said. “It feels more real than it has in the past months.”

Gore and his advisors have yet to publicly indicate if he will seek the nomination.

Over the weekend, however, it was reported operatives for Obama VP Joe Biden and Gore began contacting top New York Democrats to see if they are willing to switch allegiances in the race for president.

“Are you committed to Hillary, and if so how much?” a key Gore operative asked a a prominent New York City Democrat via cellphone, according to the report.

It now seems the Democrat party is almost completely bereft of viable choices. Cranking up the wayback machine and dredging up Al Gore and insisting the gaffe-prone Joe Biden is actually presidential material reveal serious problems within the party.

“Gore as a candidate? Please. If by some weird happenstance he actually gets in the race instead of merely teasing us, it won’t take two minutes before he’s puffing up his chest, talking in that scary Foghorn Leghorn voice, flapping his arms like a cartoon rooster,” writes John Kass for the Detroit Free Press.

“The same holds true for Biden. In the end, the grownups will ask that Joe remains locked in the White House basement until this thing blows over.”

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