A fifteen year-old high school sophomore from Iowa, going by the moniker Deez Nuts, is polling better than most Republicans.

He came in at 9% in North Carolina and polled previously at 8% in Minnesota and 7% in Iowa.

The Deez Nuts, aka Brady Olson, Facebook page says his mission is “To give Americans an alternative to the two-party system in 2016.”

The Public Policy Polling poll of voters in North Carolina asked: “If the candidates for President next year were Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and independent Deez Nuts, who would you vote for?”

Respondents voted Trump 40%, Clinton 38%, and Nuts 9%.

According to the Brookings Institute, Deez Nuts, who takes his name from a punk band, is the most popular independent candidate since Ross Perot.

The Deez Nuts for President 2016 web page says he is considering nominations from a number of parties, including: the Modern Whig Party, the Marijuana Party, the Rent Is Too Damn High Party and others.

His political platform is a mix of liberal and conservative. As president, Deez Nuts would send illegal immigrants back to their countries of origin, support abortion, back the Iran nuclear deal, give corporations money to create jobs, and extend voting rights to the American territories.

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